Ok so you think yes... Finally. I'm going travelling. I'm landing in Australia. It's gonna be 100degrees, I can head straight to the beach to dab on some cream and soak up the sun in paradise. Right? Wrong. Perth... Was cold. No wait.
Perth was freezing. At the time of arrival Perth was experiencing the worst storms they had seen in 16 years. Perfect, always wanted to land to a country colder than England.
Ok so the shock of the weather has been slightly accepted. Next was hostel life. What was I expecting? After living on my own for a few years I'm a find lover of my own space and I'm very comfortable with my own company. We arrive at banjos a little out of the centre of Perth. I check in, get handed some worn bed sheets and sent off to the room. It was clean, reasonably modern, containing bunk beds. Not too bad I guess, I was expecting worse... Especially from the looks of the outside of the building. The kitchen was a little more daunting. You know that feeling of college on your first day or that first day in a new job. I HATE that feeling. Well here i stood, the new girl. It almost feels as though you are walking into someone else's huge family home. The fridge was rammed with plastic bags all labelled, random pints of milk and alcohol and a load of cool bags. The people at Banjos didn't seem to want to communicate. Most of them apparently only in the area to find work as Perth is known to have the highest rate of pay in Australia
So with stormy weather, my bunk bed, a hostel full of unconversational people it was time to explore the city of Perth. Well... There's not much I can say about Perth's city. I think the weather paid a huge part in not enjoying Perth as much as I would have liked. I found the city dull and over priced. So feeling abit disheartened I looked at the guy working at the hostel for guidance. "Help me love Perth please"... To his reply "go to Fremantle"
Next stop: Fremantle
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