Yesterday was our two week anniversary of being in Antigua. It has been so amazing thus far I am excited for what is in store the next nine months but I am trying to just enjoy each day which is pretty easy to do!
Antigua is such a wonderful, if not enchanting town. Cobblestone streets, mustard and ochre colored houses, horse drawn carriages, tuk tuks (tiny little cabs that fit two people), tons of craft shops and restaurants.
Fun fact: Antigua residents are known by the nickname "panza verde" (green belly)- panza means belly and verde means green. Since they are said to eat lots of avocados because they once grew in abundance here. Not as much anymore but they still eat tons of avocados as do James and I, so I think we may also be known by that nickname when we return.
We went to one of our favorite little restaurants (Hector's - my mom's suggestion - she would be happy it is our second time there) yesterday to celebrate our two week anniversary. It is on the other side of town (which is only about 20 minutes away). Had an amazing meal and some wine. And then walked home.
It has been absolutely beautiful the last few of days! (it is the rainy season now, which means it typically rains 2-4 hrs a day) The sun has been out and the sky has been clear. You can see the Agua Volcano so well from anywhere. (Oh and just so everyone knows, the Agua Volcano is South of Antigua - check out my directional skills! I don't get lost anymore!!!)
I actually am a little embarrassed that I ever got lost at all. The town is 9 by 9 (almost a perfect square). The Avenidas (avenues) run north and south (and actually say norte (north) and sur (south) and the calles (streets) run east and west and also say oeste (east ) and poniente (west). The Plaza is directly in the center and the arch (a pretty significant landmark here) is to the north as well. Well, at least it only took me about 3-4 days to find my way. Now I know exactly where I am going!
We went to the food market yesterday as well. The market days are Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. It is just incredible to see the amount of food and vegetables and fruit. There are stalls upon stalls of fresh fruit and veggies! Last week we decided to get something that we had never seen before and try it. It is actually my new favorite fruit now! It is called pitaya (I am sure I spelled that wrong) but it is amazing. You cut it open in slices like an orange and the inside it bright pink/purple and you eat the inside which is kind of sweet. Yummm! We had a better experience yesterday than on Saturday. We were warned that on Saturdays some people/thieves could be there with razor blades/ or sharp objects to cut your bag open and see if your wallet or other personal belongings drop out. (they don't want to hurt anyone - they are just making sure you haven't been completely irresponsible and left all your money at the bottom of your bag). James was carrying our bag with all of our fruits and veggies and he realized that it had been sliced. It is pretty crazy though you don't even feel it. There are so many people walking around and you are being pushed here and there you don't realize. Lesson learned. At least the only thing in there of value was my rain jacket. That got sliced which was a bummer but we hadn't brought anything of real value with us thank goodness we had been warned the night before.
So our trip yesterday was a success we got everything we needed for the next week here in Antigua. And we were very conscious of our surroundings and our bag. We may go back on Saturday for a few other things. I may be out of pitaya by then and need some more. :)
So looking forward to a low key weekend. We have a bunch planned in the next 3-4 weeks so we will enjoy Antigua for one more weekend before we start hopping around to El Salvador (for my dad's 60th birthday celebration!) Semuc Champay, Tikal and our Catamaran trip to Rio Dulce and the Belize Islands.
We may do another volcano trek up to Pacaya or Agua just to get a bit of hiking in in preparation for our trip to Nepal in November. We shall see what this weekend holds for us!
That is it for now. Adios!
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