So we arrived in Antigua in the evening on July 3. We woke up on the 4th and searched for hours for a new apartment where we can live in antigua for the next 6-8 weeks while we take our spanish and salsa classes. Finally we found one that is a really spacious one bedroom, kitchen, living area, bathroom and TONS of storage. It is pretty great for only about $400 a month. (not too bad!) we had originally been looking in about the 3-350 range but what you get for an additional 50 bucks is pretty incredible.
I did realize how terrible my sense of direction is when we were walking around though because we must have done 30 laps of Antigua while we were searching for apartments and I still couldn't get my bearings. Anyway, it is something to work on. I can tell it is already much improved. I was able to find our way last night to the Cafe No Se. (I did get lost on our way home, and as my husband was indulging in the vino he wasn't the master orienteerer that he usually is :). We did finally make it back though and only walked along aimlessley for a minute or two. It was a pretty cool evening though, the owner of Cafe No Se remembered me from when I came to Antigua with my mom about 3 years ago to check out casa Santo Domingo for our wedding. He gave us tons of recommendations for where we can go to buy meat, cheese etc. where James can go for a haircut :) and who to go fishing with. That was a must! I can't believe we went three days in Antigua without finding that out! I am a bit worried about where we will put all the fish that james catches as on our honeymoon it ended up in our bathtub with tons of ice. (so romantic :) No bathtub this time and I draw the line at showering with a bunch of fish!
Anyway, the owner intorduced us the the manager owho is also from Australia so he and James hit it off. I can tell this will now be our local "cheers" bar. there was live music and the woman who sang was just incredible. She will be singing at brunch this morning so we may head back since we are now locals and can do stuff like that.
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