I like Rajshihi .
The lady in the picture is turning the handle on the circular contraption which then fans the embers on which she is roasting the corn of the cob.
Now on bus 3 hour journey to Sona Masjid a 15c mosque complex. A young chap is teaching me to recognise the Bengali numbers. 3 of the easier ones are that 8 is 4, 9 is 7 and 2 is 2. The rest are squiggles but not so difficult once you get into it.
I am enjoying the trip watching things going on. An example a vendor making coffee in ritualistic fashion. The glasses are scrubbed very hard with a cloth, then rinsed and before putting the coffee in boiling water is poured over and in them and poured from one to another. Then the milk and sugar I put in with a certain amount of tapping from side to side before the boiling water is filtered through the coffee in a cloth cone shaped filter.
One area a man was busy turning newspapers into bags which are then sold for use by vendors.
There are so many forms of transport. I was surprised to see a workshop making a cycle rickshaw with benches either side to carry 6 people! That really is the rickshaw version of a people carrier.
I visited Sona Masjid, the Tahkana palace ruins and the Khania Dighi Mosque. This last one is set in a mango orchard but mango season is May.
It wasn't so interesting for me give me a mountain anytime. It didn't help that there wasn't a rickshaw to be had. I had to walk along a stretch of road with constant lorries with blaring horns racing along. There was a cement depot which they services and the dust was everywhere.
I enjoyed the return bus journey so much that I kept snoozing. If I am happy I relax a doze off and miss everything.
Bought some snacks and water to take back to nice Hotel Nice as the restaurant food wasn't so good.
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