Helllloooo guys! We just arrived in Barcelona a few hours ago, checked into a hostel for the night and ran to the cafe to inform you of our latest news!
Portugal, was absolutely fantastic !!! Endless partying and great nights out! Great to c some of u lot out there! HAd quite a few mishaps, like losing the hotel key leading us to miss the first half of the final! Ireland and GB played fantastically, well done u guys Another SCARY thing happened was seeing a car crash in front of our very eyes, SCARY! thankfully both parties were ok, phew! Spent most of POrtugal going back and forth to partying destenations, such as Casacis, Estoril and Sintra, but we did do some proper lookin at the sites, including seeing the castle, visitng the local zoo (terrapins are SO beautiufl!!!) the beaches, the parks! It was so action filled there and we all were pretty much dead by Sunday!
Monday ' we hopped onto the train to Madrid, we toured around to c the city's main sights including of course, the legendary football stadium, there were quite a lot of statues which Erika informed us were related to Greek & Roman mythology, interesting!
After a day out in Madrid, we arrived at Barcelona, we accidentally got held up in Madrid going to the wrong staion, whoops! Finally found our way and Erika became our tour guide here - the city looks fabalous, great night life and the air smells of gorgeous spanish food, mmmm... hehe ! We r aiming to go to the funfair, maze, church tomorrow, see the local sites and then the day after shop around the gorgeous markets and then the lovely Laura will join us. the poor girl had to stay in the UK due to being ill, but she'll be joinin us very soon, woo!
After Spain we're hoping to c the caves and go horse riding in Souther France, and we'l keep u updated on all our news for sure! Keep reading the blog! Holly - we're gonna be in Hundary on the 31st, r am I gonna c u? Hope so chicks! Love to u all
Much love, Ali & the girls xxxxxxxx
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