Khao Sok National Park
Khao Sok was unbelievable! We spent the first day trekking round the jungle on Elephants. It was so beautiful! Although my elephant was really lazy and alot smaller than the others but it was so cute!
The weather was so hot and I was sat on his neck instead of in the chairs so I had his ears flapping against my leg the wole way, which was quite amusing! I had the marching song from 'The Jungle Book' in my head the entire way which was random but made it funnier as we kept getting left behind like the little one in the film!
After the elephant ride we went canoeing round the rivers, which was really fun, but very scary as within the first few minutes of being in the water I looked to my right to see a crocodile slowly moving past my boat! I was so scared I daren't move! He could have eaten me for sure! After I calmed down a little I began to enjoy it again though as the scenery was unbelievable! We were surrounded by limestone cliffs and palm trees which has snaks wrapped round them! It was so strange going from Patong to the middle of nowhere!
We stopped for lunch at some treetops restaurant and they came out with trays of fresh thai food, which tasted so good! The people were so friendly, and couldn't do enough to help us!
later that evening we explored the rainforest before having another amazing meal. Then I spent the night in the retaurnt bar talking to some other travellers from Italy and Germany, whilst playing Jenga with th owner 'Sexyman' he said his name was (and thats what everyone called him everyday). I slept in a treetop cabin which had amazing views of the river and the park, it was so nice! Also I didn't get bitten once...miracle!
The next morning I had to wake up at 7am for breakfast, which again was the nicest food I have had in a long time! Then we went on a hike in the middle of the jungle to a watefall! The weather was so hot which made it much harder but it was well worth it in the end, as we saw monkies on the rocks opposite eating bananas which our guide was throwing to them. The were so cute because they looked so scared!
After making our way back to the hotel we checked out and drove to see the Damn. It was hugh, and from the viewpoint you could see all the lake which was surrounded by mountains! The photos I took do not do it justice, its such a shame!
After lunch I caught a long tail boat 45 minutes into th middle of nowhere! There was nobody for miles, until we reached these floating houses where a community of people who lived there suddenly appeared!
I stayed in one of the houses which was literally a hut on a raft. It was such an amazing place, but did not looksafe at all. In the middle of the houses was a restaurant (a bigger hut with tables and a kitchen) which you got to by walking down the narrow planks which were strapped together to form a sort of walk-way which joined everywhere together. Walking down them made me very nervous especially during the night as they moved with the water randomely!
After having dinner with everyone from the houses in the restaurant I was taken on a night safari on a long-tail boat. It was so nice, just us on the lake under the moonlight. We didn't see very much but it was definately something I will remember!
Khao Sok was seeming like paradise, until it came to bedtime! I was prepared to be bitten...I was prepared to hear fish splashing around underneath me... but... I was not prepared to be woken up at 2am by three rats that decided my cabin was a good place to explore! It was horrible! I jumped out of bed after batling with my mosuito net and sat in my sleeping bag on dock! A few minutes later I heard some screams and three girls from Switzerland had the same problem! We must have spent an hour sat outside in the dark (there was no electricty except during the hours of 6pm-11pm). Then our guide came out and started fighting them off! The girls returned to their cabin very scared but I decided I felt safer outside! I slept on the dock in my sleeping bag until it started to rain! Nightmare! It ended up being 7am and I had not been to sleep!
After breakfast and no sleep my guide told me we had to go on a hike! You can imagine my reaction! I was not pleased! However it turned out to be really nice! We hiked to catch a bamboo raft to some caves. They were quite high up amongst the rocks, blink and you would miss them, but they were amazing cool inside, and covered with bats!
After exploring for a few hours we returned to the floating island and then got a long-tail boat to the mainland! We could see th rain coming directly infront of the boat so we managed to stop and prepare ourselves for the dowwpour, It was so strange to see the rain a few metres infront of you!
Once we reached the mainland my time in Khao Sok sadly came to an end, I hd had such a good time and met the nicest Sweedish family! I then began my journey to Ko Samui began! What a journey it was! Whilst travelling I have managed to used every different form of transport possible I think, elphants, camels, planes, bikes, cars, and boats. However I think this was the first time on a journey that I used so many. I caught long-til boat, then a bamboo boat in the morning, then a car to the bus station (another tree at the side of a road), then the bus to the ferry, then got the ferry to Ko samui, before jumping on the back of a motorbike with my bag some 32km to Hat Lamai! The motorbike was definately the most scary! As as soon I jumped on the rain poured again, monsoon style, and I spent the whole journey with tears in my eyes from the wind, feeling strangeled from my bag hanging from my neck and fearing for my life as the driver took the corners way too fast! He also found it amausing to take me through puddles at high speeds- I was drenched! But it was so funny! The guy ws laughing his head off at me!
I finally arrived at my hostel late Saturday night, drenched, with no sleep and in desperate need of warm bed on dry land!
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