Ginge's Travels
Hey everyone, its been SOOOO long since I've posted and I'm really sorry, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and write on of these!!! Where do I start? Well I'm sure as many of you know, back when we were in Wellington in NZ, my guitar got stolen after Mountford took me and Jamie to this Drum n Bass rave!! So that sucked!!! After that, the 3 of us headed pretty much straight up north through the national park, staying there for a bit. We then visited friends in and around Auckland, and Jamie decided not to come to Oz and ended up going back to UK on the 26th. We spent our last few nights together as the 3 Musketeers and bid farewell to J. The next day Mountford and I had to give the camper van back before 10am... simple task huh? Not so much... We even slept outside the rental garage so we wouldn't be late, however, upon rising that morning, we decided to briefly whizz to the airport to drop off our bags save carrying them around all day, and crashed the van into the back of a car transporter! So we lost our deposit on that which sucked again, but what are you gonna do? I was just pleased he didn't charge us extra, as the spare tire was flat from our "sleeping in a river" incident, and the front was pretty badly dented!! Anyway, we are (as you already know) in Oz now, and we've been here for 5 days I think. Just staying with some old friends of mine, and it feels so good to sleep in a bed again!!! We're getting on really well with the family and it's cool to be around kids our age who are from this area, as Angie has been taking us out and showing us all the places to go! There are a few pictures of when we went to the animal sanctuary yesterday, which was really cool and as you can see I FINIALLY got my skydiving pics up!!! I think we're gonna try and explore the city centre a bit more today, maybe go up the Rialto Building or something. I can't think of any major hiccups that have occurred... On our 2nd night, Angie took us out to this bar and we proceeded to walk from the bar to her house at 3 in the morning... we didn't get back til 5.30... and we didn't get lost once!!! It was just that far!!! But that's not really a hiccup!!! Other than that, we're all good, hope everyone else is cool. I think we're gonna leave Melbourne this Friday and get a train which goes up through Sydney to Brisbane, and then we're gonna fly to Cairns, spend a few days on the Barrier Reef etc and head back down, spending our last few days in Sydney before flying to Bangkok. So I'll keep the site posted as often as I can, cause I'm sure there's plenty of buses, trains and planes for us to miss on the long road ahead!!!!! Speak to ya'll soon,
Ginge x
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