hey there hunny. I'm so sorry to hear your still not very well! I hope it hasn't dampened your spritis too much, it doesn't seem to have reading your entries!
I must say I found it quite amusing that you've pink/ purple hair! I guess you won't be putting any henna on it again - i'm asuming that's what it was?
Will send an email later - when I wake up (its currently 9.28am and i've not had my cuppa :)
speak to you soon
Kath @ Ray Stewart
Hi Amanda
Your Mum called yesterday with an envelope for you, which all being well we'll give you in Bejing. We fly out on Thursday 30th March and arrive into Bejing early Friday morning, we're staying at The Holiday Inn Lido, Jichang Road, Jiang Tai Road, Bejing 100004. We're there for 3 days and leave on Monday 3rd April. So contact us there and we'll arrange to meet you.
You certainly sound as though you're having a marvellous time apart from being ill, but i suppose that's part of the course !
Looking forward to seeing you again as it was only a fleeting visit last time, then you can bring us up to date with your adventures. Look after yourself and see you over the weekend.
All the best Kath and Ray.
Pam Booth
Hi amanda,
Just keeping an eye on you!! Your trip seems wonderful, and it is super to have the web site, so that we can follow you. Brilliant
Carry on enjoying yourself.
love Pam & John X
Alice Salfield
Hey Mand, hope you're having a FANTASTIC time out there! Sounds like you are from your journals anyway! It's 10 to 8 on Monday morning and I'm being naughty not doing my work-it's not the same here without you, I really miss you so much! So you'll be pleased to know I've booked my big trip too-going to India on the Slowly Down the Ganges tour, which one did you go on? Was it good? I'll be in Oz (West Coast) in december and over to the east coast sometime in January... will you be around anywhere at that time? Would love to meet up with you! Anyway best go, copy to write, i/v's to edit.... blah! Wish i could be sunning myself on a beach, ah well not long to go! Take care of yourself, lots of love Alice XXXXXX
Hey there you. Just leaving a message to check that you're ok- haven't had an update on your adventures for a while! The weather is bloody freezing over here so I hope you're getting a bit more sun than we are!!!! I hope you're feeling better too- I was a bit worried to hear that you'd been poorly- isn't that illness quite bad!!?? Oh well, your ginger genes must have fought it off! Tee hee hee!!
Anyway look after yourself- hope to get an update on your travels soon! XXxxXXxx
hey foxy....hope you are still having lots and lots of fun, it's Friday at High Peak Radio....and you aren't here!! Ahhhh, I miss you red! xxxx
Hey who's the handsome devil with the beard in the photo...oh it's me!
Hope you are enjoying Delhi still and spare a thought for those on the trip are now back in England, it's great to be back at work...not. I am jealous of you lot heading onto Hong Kong!!
Well I hope you've had no more illnesses, poisonous animals in your clothes or taxi drivers ripping you off and keep in touch.
What is this, the Sara Barrett chat room?! Only joking. I've just got my work visas for Aus and NZ, so it's looking good for meeting you out there Amanda. You should come too Sara!
Sara Barrett
Oooo just another quick random note ... Spoke to Will Lindley (I think it's Lindley) from Hathersage the other day says he knows you and your family. He rings up for the comps alot at work :0) xxxx
Sara Barrett
Hello Sweetie ! I have been reading your journal, you crazy person you !! Everywhere looks so amazing , you look and sound like your having a top time. I hope u are getting lots of pics so that when you get back or if I get my act together and get out to Aus, we can have a huge wine and pickies night. I'm sure you will have lots more crazy things to tell us throughout your travels , I know you and the madness that follows you around :) Don't worry about your emails getting to Tom I'll show him them .Take Care u Give my love to Jen !! Miss you Zany peeps ....Luv Saz xxxxxx
Amanda! Just checked out your travel log for the first time, it's really cool. I'm not getting your emails for some reason so will come here routinely to check out what you're up to. Take care, Have Fun! Tom xx
Linda Russell-Ward
Hi Amanda, Linda here, well you're actually there and living all your most wildest, scariest and amazing dreams. It's so good to share your journey and great to see your lovely photos and your nice, carefree smile.
Well we're still waiting for the little one, d-day has gone plus 5 days now. It's almost like waiting for Christmas and then not being able to open presents until New Year and the waiting is keeping us all in suspense. Becky's mum has come up to stay for a few days until the baby comes and of course, James is on constant baby alert. I've been up today and finished sewing touches to a voile drape that hands over the sides of the cot, the room looks so beautiful with the cutey baby clothes hanging in the wardrobe, but not a pink or a blue babygro in sight (as yet, anyway). Andy seems to think tomorrow (Wed) will be the day!
Remember Cath from Booths Farm - well her and Satch will be in Beijing from the 31st March to 3rd April. They are staying at the Holiday Inn, if you want to go and say hi and maybe catch up on some local gossip!!
Andy is keeping really busy, plenty of work on. Of course he misses you big time, but he's doing okay. Tony sends his regards -we've just had another dance lesson, the quick step is coming on a bit s-l-o-w, but we are still enjoying it and keep on doing our twirls around the kitchen.
Take care Amanda and enjoy every moment, from Linda, God Bless XXXX