Victoria and I have just been enjoying looking at your diving photos - how brave you are! It all sounds amazing for you with so much to still look forward to. Rebecca's in Bejing now and we are going to phone her tomorrow for a long chat - she's loved her China tour. We shall have a lovely family gathering next wkd in London - our 25th wedding anniversary meal! Thank you for your postcards. Lots of love Susan Terry and Victoria xxxx
Hey Red! Sorry not been in touch for a while, sounds like you are still having a great so jealous! England sucks..wish I was there with ya! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jenny Rushbrooke
Hey there my little Ginger friend, howz life in sunny Cairns? sounds like you had a wicked trip up the coast with Nabs. Making me very jealous of course! Wish I was there with you! So good luck finding a job, some things you gotta do unfortunately. But, not long till Andy Pandy comes out to see you - he's very excited and counting down the days! Not sure if I told you but a got Ill Divo tickets for my Nana who is soooo excited. Mum, dad,John, Kate, Martyn and I are all going. Its on the 23rd July at Keddleston manor, so outside with a pic-nik. Hope its good weather. Anyway best get back to work. Its not fair its scorchioooo outside (heatwave!) and Im stuck in the basement at WPH. Love you loads, Jen x x x x
Hello Amanda!! Thought i'd just post you a hello message on here, since I hadn't done so in a while. Looking forward to seeing some of your photos when you get the chance to upload them. I'm leaving in 13 days!! woo hoo!! hehe. I'm sort of ready, but I still have quite a few items to purchase. My birthday (and presents!) came just at the right time! Last weekend Tristan and I went to the Download Festival at Donington (for my bday), it was amazing! Anyways, lots and lots of hugs from me. I will e mail soon, Rebecca xxxxxxxxx
Hi there hun. I hope your ok out there. I was getting worried, but I noticed you've been online in the last week so I'm a bit more relaxed now I was debating all sorts of things, but we all know I have an active imagination!! Look forward to hearing from you soon. Manchester is very hot today and it's due to continue over the weekend! 27 today and 28 tomorrow! Shame I can't come to work in a bikini it would help with the lack of air con!
Sally Craike
Hello there ginger lady . Hope the diving has been successful and you are happy and well . Everything is fine at home and we at last have a little piece of Summer ! Hoping to talk soon .Missing you .xxxxxxx
Hi Amanda. Great travel journal. Looking forward to seeing your photos from Borneo, mine were rubbish. Have fun, stay safe, wicked! Best wishes, John.
Hey Ginger, your photo's look great. Not sure I'm quite sure what to do on here yet but I'm getting there. Hope your not missing me to much. I miss you loads. Love Jen x x x
Robin Forrest
Hey Amanda, glad to see your having such a great time. Cracking photos girl !
Especially the great wall of china and the terracotta army, the scale of them! I had no idea they were so vast. The only problem with all of this is it's inspiring such chronic wanderlust in all of us, so could you please try and not have such a fabulous, wonderful, exciting, awe inspiring, horizon expanding, mind bogglingly good time, ( thats gonna happen!), Oh Yeah and we all miss you...obviously!
Much Love Robin xxx
Andy Pandy
Ive been browsing through your fantastic photo's, what a wonderful experience, I like the pink hair dye, and the pics of the Great Wall.. I love your gorgeous smile honey. It wont be long now till NZ... take care honey
love Andy Pandy xxxx
Sally Craike
Hi gorgeous girl ,fab to chat today . Your photos are really great ,they make me desperate to Travel ! Look after yourself and hugs to you and Jen . M and D xxxxx
I was checking through your itinery and realised you should be in Malaysia by now. Let me know where you are and if you're visiting some of my favourite haunts.
Hope everything is going well and you are enjoying the experience.
Helen xx