I did write like a 4 page long entry for the flight and the first few days but then i looked back at it and realised that i hadn't slept in about 3 days and hadn't eaten in four so it was a load of rambling.
So pretty much, the flight was long, ate too much aeroplane food and got very jetlagged.
Went out for something to eat last nite at this brewery/restaurant which was pretty nice. Although while we were waiting for a table and having a drink some wierd german woman comes up and starts chatting to us, at first we thought she was just waiting for someone and needed to kill time, but turns out she was rather odd and sat with us for the next half an hour... Then when we went to eat we saw her go and chat to the people sitting next to us...then leave them and move on to the next group...she was just going round getting people to buy her drinks haha. Very strange.
Anyways after that we were chatting to some guys at Uni here, sat with them and just chilled, drinking these 6 pint funnel keg things on the dockside, then some more of their friends arrived and we went to some other bar for a few more drinks.
Wednesday is student nite in Wellington so beer is about 50p and vodka redbulls 1 pound, and its their fresher week as well, as all the schools/uni's year starts in february. So in addition to the fact it's valentines day, and therefore we need to get hammered it should be a sick night!
I think i'll go for a little skate after work, cruise around the harbour and take some photos and stuff so you can see what it's like out here!
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