Hope your flight went well. Have a fantastic trip. Take care of each other. We look forward to reading about your travels.
Love you loads.
Have a great time and look after each other.
House already feels empty and cold but sure the lodgers will warm the atmosphere when their curries are simmering!
Love you loads and will miss you so muchxxxx
you two have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute.
gonna miss both....... keep us all up to date with what ur doing.
be careful and take care. love u both xxxx ghandi dont forget my present ha ha x
Hello my little tinkles. Your mommy's on her way to say goodbye with Mr Colonic. Have a safe journey and be careful on the first leg - pleased that Muhatma is battle hardened from 'the streets'. Lots of love xx
You guys havent even left yet and i miss you sooo much.Its different missing then you guys being in Wales and me in Canada.