Hello tinks. I am round at gruncle dweff's doin hair cutting! Finally managed to sort out crossed wires with Spain but lost the flights that I had on hold cos I couldn't get through to Nick. Your Mum told told Jeff that Nick can't afford to go so if I can't get through later I'll just check. If not I'll keep searchin for a cheapy!! Thanks for texting and hope to hear from you soon. Let me know if you get a number that I can call you on. xxx
Mum G
What a waster of a man-moral of that story don't trust anyone that hasn't got teeth! Could understand the temptation of wanting to punish the guy but ta Amy for keeping the Isaac man under control!
Glad you have moved away from the city and hope now enjoying a more relaxed pace. Be careful of that S.A sun.
Hope you'll manage to get some photos for us to see.
Please go careful and watch your bags-don't trust anyone no matter how nice they seem. Read an article about packpackers and what can go wrong-wish I hadn't seen the bloody thing now!
We had a nice meal at the bistro last night but then slummed it in the Brunel.Did lots of walking at weekend-snow on the mountains-the views were great. Went to see nanna yesterday-she hadn't been too good over the weekend but felt better and I had nice time with her and we had lunch out with Sue and her ma in law. So that's all my news-not very exciting is it?
Bfn-have fun but watch out for the baddies.
Tons of love to you bothxxx
hello you two nice to see everything thats going on. cool photos.sorry i hav'nt been in touch before but just getting the hang of this technology.nice to have updates to show G and G on a tuesday.take care and enjoy xxx
Tried phoning you a minute ago and it said this mobile number does not exist!! I did try xx
i wanna be there!!!
glad you are having a fab time, with a weekend filled with gardening and painting my time doesnt really seem to be as exciting at the moment.
loves ya
Hi adveturers - looks like your'e havin a great time. Sorry I haven't sent you a text. My phone died in a pool of alcohol (I'm a nice girl really Glenys!!) I can't use my old phone cos the sim isn't compatible.aaarrrggghhh.
I had an email from Nick so we'll get on the case for Nam!! woo hoooo xx
p.s. managed to lose £30 goin from cash point to pub last night as well. ans so it begins......
Great to share your travels. Hope we'll see lots more. Just seen dad's message- how does he know what's there as after all they have tigers in safari parks in every country! So somebody could have sneaked one into a national park!
All good here and nanna sends love.
Lots of love to you bothxxxx
Nicholas Taylor
Hola lil sis. How you both doing. hope your having a great time. Looks like I'll be seeing you in nam. looking for flights now then I'll email Lou. Will let you know tomorrow whats going on...look after my sis you
I've added some photos of the last day (ignore the date the pictureswhere taken on the 1st of April) Lets see picture of the Tigers whoops no Tigers in Africa Glenys?? Lets see pictures of the Kruger soon as you can! enjoy only 358 days to go. Dad
Sister Allie (No Not A Nun)
Hey you, thought I'd try and be the last to write, that way I'd be the first one read. Ok not really, I'm just lazy. Hope you and Amy are having fun. Send pictures once you have them.
Love Allie, Ella and that husband of mine Deano xxxx
Hi tinks, glad to hear your keeping the tupperware industry in business. Now have an empty house so it's me and Davina all the way!! Thanks 4 the playstation. Watch out for those creepy crawlies and take care xx P.S emailed Nick in Spain but no response - I'll have to get on the old jungle drums.xxx
Bore da from a sunny Pont-y-Clun! Good to read your blog! Loved the sunset-where did you copy that from? It was nice to read a message so soon-keep them coming!
Nanna sends love and says she should be there as team leader!