Gerard's Travels
Forgive me if today's blog is short. Actually you know what, praise me if it is because it's meant I've kept my promise of being more to the point, and it'll mean that I have some likelihood of catching up at least a little bit on it. But forgive me if you like the long ones, because after last night's efforts, we lost half the day to bed today. If you really want it to be longer, a fair chunk of yesterday's is actually technically today. Go read that. Today. Was. Slow. Well at least the morning was. I woke up around 8ish in a pool of sweat, because we didn't have the air con on. The air con works really well here so when it's on, it's pumping out the cold air, and when we got home last night (5 hours ago) we were freezing, so we turned it off. Bad idea. When the desert sun rose and hit our window, it heated the room up like a sauna. With the benefit of hindsight, I should've just turned the air con back on when I first woke up. But after a day and night like yesterday, I clearly wasn't thinking straight. So I just stayed laying on the bed, panting like a hot dog in summer. Apart from a couple of trips to the toilet for each of us, laying on the bed dozing on and off was where Stace and I stayed for most of the morning. Later on we watched Aladdin. Finally at about lunch time we each had enough motivation to peel ourselves off the bed and get ready for the day, whatever that was going to bring. This motivation was mainly fuelled by Stace getting hungry. And when Stace is hungry for too long, she gets hangry. Hope to God you never have to experience that, I'm serious. Realising the potential war that was developing, I rushed to get myself up, showered, and ready to leg it to the nearest food place with her. By the time Stace was also ready, it was already approaching 1pm! Like I said, there's not much of today to blog about! A little slow (and hangry) aside, we really weren't feeling all that bad, all things considered. But we did want some greasy food. Luckily we were in the country that invented it, and in all likelihood, the capital of it within said country. We didn't have to look far. In fact, in preparation of the afternoon and to streamline our venture to food, we'd already decided on somewhere to go while we were getting ready for the day: Dick's Last Resort. The restaurant specialises in having grumpy staff serve American food in a roadhouse style setting, and the poster for it looked fun. There was one located in Excalibur next door, so it wasn't gonna take us long to get there; a must to avoid a hangry war. We rocked up and found a spot right at the bar. True to form, the waiters were grumpy, but in a way that was entertaining. I'm not sure that friendly and grumpy can be used together, but if ever they could, this would be that situation. A lot of people in the restaurant were wearing gigantic butcher paper hats that the staff had made that had funny sayings written on them, such as 'I've swallowed more sea men than Moby Dick'. In our state, Stace and I were not feeling like a hat and thankfully, our waiter obliged. Being in Vegas, I decided the best thing I could do was to back up yesterday's efforts and get back on the beers. Contradicting her age, Stace thought the same, so we each got a beer, as well as some lunch. Surprisingly, the beers went down really well, particularly with a Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich (which was amazing), and we ordered some more. You can already see where this is heading. We were just going to cure our hunger before heading out for a bit of an explore, but neither of us was feeling all that energised to move from the bar. During lunch we messaged Jenna to see how she was feeling, and just as we were going to fulfil our intentions she messaged back, and her and Leigh came down to see us. They were feeling the same. Except they have 4 kids. I don't know how they do it, it's ******. Leigh didn't stay long before he headed back to the room to be with the kids so Jenna's parents could go out, but Jenna hung around deciding if she wanted a beer. Eventually she decided she did, so we all got more. Now you can really see where this is going. Similar to us, Jenna's intention was to stay for a little bit then head off. But many a good intention get left behind in Vegas. We just kept drinking. Getting more lively, our waiter looked to tone things down by making a hat for Stace, which read 'If my legs were open as much as my mouth I might be useful'. It was hilarious. Eventually, Jenna also caved in and had one planted on her head too, reading ' I love (love symbol, not the word) Dick's'. Simple, but also hilarious. Later on I bumped into our waiter in the toilets, and he grumpily stated "oh you're still here? I was hoping you'd gone by now", to which I retorted "unless I'm a figment of your imagination then clearly I am". He liked that, and actually laughed. Gerard 1, grumpy waiter 0. He did get me back though, because I too was made a hat eventually, which read 'Hung like a leprechaun'. Clearly he didn't get that close in the toilets before... So remember I said we were just staying for a quick lunch? Well, then dinner happened! The afternoon started to get messy, denoted by the fact that once again I was gnawing Jenna's neck, like I did last night, every time I went to the toilet. Which was a lot by now given the epic beers we were consuming. Before we knew it Leigh had rejoined us at the bar, this time complete with all 4 kids, and we all decided to have dinner. And it wasn't even an early dinner, but full on legitimate dinner eating time of about 7pm. At least it meant I got my burger fix for the day, and I stayed well on track to achieve my goal of a burger every day this trip. At dinner, discussions turned to what show we'd like to see tonight. Jenna was going to join us if we got tickets to Britney Spears (it'd be pretty funny to see her in Vegas), so that's what we decided to try for. I did find some online, but they were pretty far back, so we thought it would be better to go to a last minute ticket box on the strip later, to see if we could get closer. I also practiced my baby lifting skills at dinner, as Grayson was way too happy to be in my arms. Father me. By the time our 'quick lunch' was done, we'd racked up a $300 bar tab. And that didn't include dinner, which Jenna and Leigh paid for. Eek. That's the most expensive quick lunch I've ever had. And by the time it was done, it was well after 8pm, so our quick lunch was 7 hours long. We finally saw the light of day at about 8:30pm, when Stace, Jenna and I headed off down the strip to find show tickets for tonight. When we did find a ticket box, unfortunately Britney was fully sold out. That was all that Jenna really wanted to see, so she decided to go back to the hotel, but Stace and I booked tickets to see the Cirque du Soleil show 'Ka' at the MGM Grand, starting at 9:30pm. It was one of 7 Cirque du Soleil shows being shown in Vegas at the same time, which gives you an indication of just how many shows there are here every single night. I've seen people in Melbourne losing their nut over one Cirque du Soleil show coming to the city, so can't imagine how their nuts would fare here! Stace and I made our way towards the MGM Grand, which thankfully was in the same direction as our hotel, so our walk home would be shorter after the show was finished. We got there with about 15 minutes to spare, and not content with being so full from dinner and an afternoon drinking that our stomachs could have burst, we got some popcorn. Don't judge, we're on holiday. Wait till we're home, where you can have a poke of my new found flubber. The show itself was pretty entertaining. But don't ask Stace that because she fell asleep a few times during it. I guess her age really was starting to show. It wasn't as long as other Cirque du Soleil shows I've seen were, at about an hour and a half, but it was, as is the standard, spectacular. This was true especially of the stage, which moved around in every direction, helping to create a visually amazing show. Didn't it Stace? By the time it was done, we were both completely exhausted, but still happy we'd gone and seen a show in Vegas, which was one of our aims. We made the 15 minute walk back to our hotel and fell into bed, this time with the air con on, hoping to get a good night of rest before another big day tomorrow. This holidaying business is tough!
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