Gerard's Travels
- blog entries
Banff, Alberta
Banff, Alberta
It was fairly terrible. I'm not sure if my expectations had changed, or if in the 10 years since I'd been to Canada Tim Horton's had gone and got itself a whole lot more fast-foody, and with it a whole lot lower quality. It certainly felt that way from my memory, but 10 years is a long time. It may have been because this time we were in Calgary, a city that just seems so slow and drab downtown, and last time I was in Nanaimo, a much smaller town where quite possi...
Calgary, Alberta
For some stupendous reason Jo, our travel agent who has been so good to us (apart from the Nashville hotel booking incident), decided to totally obliterate that good will between us today, right royally punishing us this morning by booking our flight out of Nashville at 5:48am. We had all day to get to Canada Jo, it's just above the USA, and you chose that time. I hope you feel powerful. We were just feeling tired. We were also lamenting the fact we'd miss out on...