So it's been a weird couple of days! I'm still getting used to the whole travelling on your own idea! Fortunately there was a lovely couple, amy and matt, who adopted me for my first day! We went to see the pandas which are so cute you can't really put it into words. The red pandas there are beautiful an one climbed a tree, posed and then got down resulting in some good photies. In the panda cub enclosure we saw three baby pandas have a massive fight which was so funny to watch as one of them rugby tackeled the other and then ran away... Very cute.
After a brief stay in Chengdu I'm now off, on my own for real this time, to leshan and emei Shan. Should be fun getting there as I have to catch a bus....
Chengdu is an amazing city, I really like it here so fortunately I'm coming back for a day or two. I met a Chinese tourist who said that Chengdu, although it's the financial centre of west china, is a very lazy city as people paly games in the peoples park even during the week day! I did actually witness this a long with them having a massive party at 2 in the afternoon. I think this is my type of city!!
Georgie x
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