Tanita & Georgie's Asian Travels
Friday 13th and 13 kg!!
Despite being denied the comforts of terminal 5 despite being with ba and arriving with far too much time to spare leaving us stranded in terminal 3 all has gone smoothly so far ignoring the fact that we haven't actually left yet!
A future apology for spelling and grammar as it's generally awful and is gettig worse as I gradually become more illiterate as the gap year progresses. But yeh, if you want to get in touch with us just send us an email and we will try to reply. ( when I say we I mean georgie and although this is both georgie and tanitas blog we all know that I will be the only one who will be writing it!!)
Georgie and Tanita x
- comments
pauline Hi girls..........enjoy the islands and I am sure this is where the party will start.... Love you loads