George's World Travels
I have to say Im a tad frazzled by the computer Im writing this on so I apologize in advance if I seem edgy and blunt!
Calm self....
Ok. So Samui! We've been here almost a week now! Our hotel: Papillon Resort is absolutely gorgeous. Very well thought out French resort right at the top of Chaweng beach (the main beach of the island) so we have views from our restaurant and sun loungers of that used as the picture for this postcard. Very idylic. The location gives the sense of a deserted island, with us, the family of the hotel, as the only inhabitants, bar the massuere women beside us and an occasional Thai man selling abundant amounts of clothes and henna tatoo transfers.
I cant really describe how lovely the place is! The staff are always so happy and friendly and theres a tab! What better way to induce relaxation and tranquility than ignoring prices and ordering whatever you please, whenever! Life is so much nicer when money isnt involved!
So yes, due to our AMAZING hotel, which was very much appreciated after our hellish trip down to Ko Samui, a whole day of travelling and waiting and confusion and missing boats and more waiting, we extended our stay to a week.
Things we have done on the island....somehow I dont htink this will be a very long list as sunbathing, reading books (have just finished Chris Stewarts new Andalucian update: the Almond Blosson Appreciation Society: very much recommed it!), napping, eating and appreciating the views is the substance of most days!
Anyhoo here goes....
Have met up with Emma and Sarah a couple of times. For dinner at a dubious (how I love this word now, count how many times I can implant it in each postcard!) restaurant that advertised showcasing Pirates of the Carribean 2 on a big screen. The reality of this was actually selectively subtitled movie with an awful picture. And then Nicki feeling ill, and us going home. Well, trying to anyway!
The thing was after the inspiration giiven to us form the twins' skills with their rented mopeds, we decided to rent our own. I think this was our first mistake. We both appeared abissmal at controlling the vehicle to begin with, as Nicki revved the machine up too high and released the brake, racing the bike up the facing white wall of the hotel. Oh dear. Luckily the staff responded with good humour, as was to be the story of the whole day! I was no better and after test drives it was decided that Nicki would go behind the wheel, so to speak. Obviously this conclusion does not reflect well on my skills given Nicki's rocky start with the bike!
So yes, that afternoon, on our way into town to meet the twins, we made it up the foreboding hill and wizzed successfully and rather smugly passed the vans and other traffic. A job well done. Even parked well. Except for the slight hitch whereby I was being stupid and burnt leg on the very very hot exhaust pipe. Following a race to the local ice-cream cafe to obtain a bottle of cold water, and drenching leg in the liquid, all was well again.
So after our dinner with the girls, and Nicki feeling not quite 100% (although more content to ride the bike herself than let me behind the wheel in the overcrowded street) we tried to make our way home. The bike on the other hand had other ideas and would not start. After numourous attempts and a friendly Thai woman's expertise, we were no further in setting off. So, feeling slightly foolish, I had to phone our resort and get them to pick us up. More confusion followed. Yes we were staying at Papillon. Yes we KNOW where it is. But we have a bike, rented from YOU, that WONT start. A tedious 10 minutes later I believed the message had been effectively communicated and understood. When they arrived (little relieved they did really!) we clambered in the van while one of the Thai men kick started (we did not know this was possible, let alone the technique, so we stand by fact that weren't all that foolish) the bike after 7 attempts (Nicki counted) and we set off for the resort. On arrival (clearly the bike had beat us to it) all the French guys running the place, that we knew from a previous days boating trip to the marine national park (another story) were laughing at us, the stupid and useless English girls (I was sick on boat and thus konked out most of time on drugs throuh the day with them). Very much felt like a silly child returning home with tail between legs, needing to apologise for foolishness. All was taken with good grace, ie laughter not angry words explaining our mistakes.
Not the most successful of nights. Out of curiosity is the movie any good?!
Right, this will have to be cut short as Nicki is bored.
Speak soon of the lady boy show 'Amsterdam', our boat trip to the national park, our 'safari' and our last night in this wonderful island...
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