George's World Travels
So, we're in Thailand at last! No mean feat given our 3 flights, and almost 24 hours of solid travelling it took for us to get here.
To be fair the flights were fine, bar the extreme lack of sleep that was compensated for with a solid 14 hours out for the count once we arrived at our hotel in Chiang Mai!
The flight from Bangkok up here was particuarly interesting. Very oriental designs, plain flower prints all over the walls and very strong air con-we watched in fear of another freezing flight as we monitored the excessive amount of cold air being pumelled into the cabin. Thankfully we had fluffy blue blankets to snuggle under.
So day one...
woke up at some rediculously late time of around 2pm Thai time (by this point we didnt care less about time zones, given we had passed too many to count) and ventured out of the hotel-which was suprisingly nice. Stumbled upon a number of nice Buddhist temples, bought a pink poncho-which I am very fond of, had a dozen fruit shakes (Thais love fruit!), and generally lazed around.
Oh, I got my hair braided, (hear the groan), yes again! (see Mongolia, China). This time I opted for the slightly more fashionable style of half up-braided and half loose. Am quite taken with it, especially as I now do not need to wash hair for length of upcoming treck (more later). Howeverm there are a few down points...
1. It took over 2 hours to do (much to Nicki's dismay and annoyance!)
2. The braids are VERY tight, so hurts to sleep on = last night had about 2 hours of sleep- another thing Nicki wasn't too taken with as I rambled on and on about my past hours of non-sleeping reflections of my life.
3. Also as are very tight- hurts to laugh! As facial muscles pull braids!
Oh the woes oh having half presentable hair!
So back to the more important points of the trip...also went to the night Bazaar last night, which was cool. Chucked it down with rain, always fun, but provided me with the opportunity to sport new pink poncho! woo hoo!
In the market came across the most awesome stall - its something out of the North Laines Im sure, or something that would sell awfully well there - hair clips and ties made with sweet wrappers and actual sweets! Bought some with glazed smarties on and chewing gum hair slides. Will put up pics soon. Such simple idea but looks really fun!
So after the night of no sleep...
Day two...
Had banana pancakes for brekkie (ph so yum!) and then packed up our stuff to move check into the Intrepid booked guest house, as part of our package treck tour. Our receptionist at the hotel informed us that this guest house was 'just across the street' so with our mahusive backpacks heaved on, we trundled out, a little discruntled as to the lack of a taxi. But yes! we are backpackers, we can do this! So after running full pelt across the death road we end up on the other side a little bemused as to the where to go. So...15 minutes later we are still trundling along, might I add in the serious humidity of northern Thailand, so add the sweat dripping down our backs... we finally find our 'guesthouse'. A little step down form the lovely hotel, yoiu can tell I haven't travelled in a while, yes?!
No toilet paper, towels, air con (but have fan), lift (on top floor)... but to be fair is remarkably clean, so cant really complain.
The rest of the day? Another shake, shopping mini spree (another poncho-more hard wearing-the pink one is to look pretty :D, and padlock for safety deposit box) we are still cowering away from the rain.
Shall I tell you what the next few days have in store...?
Leaving pretty early tomorrow for a 3 day treck around the hills around Chaing Mai to visit local tribes. Will be one of highlights of whole trip, I think.
Have read that the tribes all have different languages, traditional dress and beliefs. will be amazing to see. Also have an elephant ride awaiting us!!!!!! Many a photo will be taken Im sure!
Sunday night we arrive back, and then Monday we head down to Bangkok on an overnight train, where we will continue down south to Ko Samui and the Full Moon Party.
Things I have noticed so far about Thailand...
1. It is hard to cross the road
2. Fruit shakes can easily become an integral part of our staple diet
3. It is very humid and rains an awful lot. Take note: 'wet season' really means something
4. Taxis are really fun-all want to give you a lift
-there are two types seen so far
1) very small, amlost look like driver is running along the ground to make it go!
2) almost truck like red things, that have no back door.
Am sure we will sample both in the next month.
5. Its hard to remember the words for hello/goodbye (same word) and thankyou. We believe the first is sawadee kha(last bit is because we are female) and thanks is kwap khum kha. We are yet to confirm pronounciation!
6. It is quite funny to watch monks walking along with umbrellas and mobile phones
7. At one of the temples I noticed the same lions ouside as were infront of the Forbidden city in China! A male and female. The male has his paw on a ball, while the female is looking after her cub. Interesting. See beijing pics!
8. Cockroaches are here!! We saw our first two of the holiday this morning. Thankfully they were neither in the shower or guest house grounds, so all is good.
Thats all for now folks, speak to you post treck,
hope all is well in the heat waved UK - god damn you!
G xxx
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