George's World Travels
Right, so here I am, last night in Moscow, Russia, civilisation!
Bit scared at the moment, but still have to pack and all and hopefully gonna watch pairs skating (long programme) on TV in a bit, so thats good.
Have had a really nice dinner with M, we actually went to a proper restaurant and spent a proper amount of money for it! We've been quite tight with our roubles, but its paid off, we have quite a bit left, and generally we've eaten ok.
So yeh, skating was great! On Monday night we went to see pairs. Very good. Russianms and Chinese dominating the top spots. At the moment the main Russian pair are leading and then the other in 2nd then for the next 3 spots theres the Chinese! My fav are Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao-in 3rd. Theyve had the gold quite a few times, but slipped up last year and so the main Russian pair won. Hope this year isnt a repeat. Their skating is beautiful.
On Tuesday night it was mens. A tad tedious-theres 30 competitors so went on till way past 11pm but the last few groups (the nearer to the end the better the talent generally) were great and was pretty close. Sadly Plushenko-current World Champ and amazing skater fell at the beginning of his programme! Crowd couldnt believe it-hes Russian and great anyway so all expecting a lot. However, his step sequences were out of this world as usual. He's still in with a shot a t gold but maybe itll go to Stephane Lambiel-Swiss, came like 4th i think last year(in first place at the moment - very good skate) or Brian Joubert, French, whos had a rocky season but skated very well in the short, and is Plushenkos main rival. Hmmm have to wait and see!!!!
As for other things we've been up to....we went to the Kremlin yesterday, which was cool. The armoury museum was very interesting, with the crown jewels and dresses and thrones...from past rulers. Also saw the presidential buildings, very high security! and some very beautiful churches. Today we visited St Basils, which was nice inside, but I think the outside is much more impressive.
We successfully tackled the metro last night, coming home from the skating. We were very impressed!
Myles has had more and more pizza from GUM.
Chilli (our polar bear friend) has been having lots of fun in the snow, but is happy to return to warmer climates!
And yes, thats about it. I havent been able to put the photos up here as no one knows how to on these computers, i.e. have to install the camera bla bla bla. Hopefully someone from T&P Abroad can help me in Mongolia if have no luck in the internet cafes out there.
Until next time!
G xxxx
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