We only have 12 days until it's time to fly away! I'm starting to get more and more excited and anxious.
This is my first time leaving Canada on my own (ie: without my parents, who took me to Alaska, Montana and Disneyland). I'm glad I'm doing it with my sister, not only because I trust her to be a sensible travel partner, but because she's honestly my best friend.
This is also my first time leaving work behind. Previously, the only trips I've taken in since I've started working have been 100% work related. I don't like being away from work for too long, because I can't fix any problems that pop up. I don't even take proper sick days, I just work from home. I think that's one of my major stressors going into this, leaving my work behind and just having to trust myself enough to know that my preparations were adequate for the projects I'm leaving behind.
I guess it doesn't help that we still haven't booked our hotel in Rome... but it's so hard to decide! We will though.
Anyway, the main page has been updated with our stops for anyone curious.
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