We dragged our sleepy arses onto the Magic Bus at about 7.45 this morning, bound for Dunedin. The route took us through Cromwell and Alexandra, arriving in the most Scottish of New Zealand's cities (Dunedin is the Celtic word for Edinburgh) at around 1pm.
We've landed ourselves an AWESOME hostel here and it's just off the Octagon, the central hub of the city where you find the Town Hall, a statue of Robbie Burns, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. I went into the latter and had a look at the exhibition of Rita Angus' work. I'm probably a complete philistine but I'd never heard of her even though she's New Zealand's most famous artist apparently. No matter, it was brilliant.
I had a look at some more landmarks, including the beautiful Edwardian train station, and then treated myself to a vat of tea in a very cool cafe. In fact there seem to be an abundance of very cool cafes here but that's probably because The University of Otago is here so a quarter of the population are students.
In summary, I like Dunedin! I don't think it really resembles Scotland though, bar the intermittent drizzle. And tonight we slightly sacked our budgets off and went out for tea with our room mate (though it was dirt cheap chinese food so it's not too bad). We just couldn't face beans on toast again...
Love you all x x x
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