The Crazy Adventures of Gemma Jean
Hello all,
So I'm in Sydney and due to leave tomorrow.
I've had a great time here and feel I've also encountered the true Ozzy ecperience.
I flew in on Sunday and had a 3 hour walk down to Sydney Harbour and back. It probably took so long because I stopped twice at a supermarket...couldn't help myself!
On Monday, early, I got onto a train to Newcastly (not the one in England) to visit Brad and Ness who I met in Mexico. They were kind enough to let me stay for the night and also gave me a tour of their beaches, a Nobby Salad Roll for lunch, Ozzy Ice cream and then Brad cooked us up a Barbie in the back garden with real steaks...grrrr! How Australian did I feel?! We also had wine produced locally and mud cake, which I had never tried before, Mmmmmm.
The best thing was probably going to sleep in an actual bed in a real house and I slept solidly for nearly ten hours...socialable I know.
On Tuesday we went to a wildlfe park so that I could see Kangeroos and Kwalas, amongst other Ozzy animals. Had a meat pie there also and then was taken to Ness' parents where I was given a cream spoilt was I?!!
I do have pics but this comp doesn't seem to be downloading them so I'll have to try some other time to put them on.
Last night I met up with Adrian, who I met on my tour in New Zealand so I had yet another guide showing me all round Sydney and who also knew where was good to eat off Bondie Beach. Felt pretty lucky really.
Tonights a bit of a treat because when I walked round the Opera House I just thought how nice it was and how I would like to hear it in action, plud I've never been to an Opera before and how good would it be if I could say that the first one I went to was at the Opera House? So I then kind of booked myself a ticket to see the Opera there tonight! hehe! Can't wait although it better be good as its cost me a bloody fortune! What a way to end a lovely time here though.
Off to Singapore tomorrow to begin my 6 weeks of Asia. Really excited as most people I've spoken to say that Asia is the highlight of their trips so we'll see.
I'll try to get those pics on but I'll be in touch when I can otherwise.
Love ya
Gem xxxx
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