The Crazy Adventures of Gemma Jean
Hey guys!!!
So it's my last night in Bolivia before we cross the border to Argentina!! Woo Hoo!!
We should have actually crossed the border today but my god have we had problems!!! Let me start at the beginning...
The day before yesterday we were given the choice as a group to either undertake a 12 hour journey to where I am now along fairly bumpy but safe roads or to attempt a 6 hour route along an extremely dangerous road...we chose the latter.
Yesterday morning we were due to leave at 8.30 sharp and to be fair we were ready with our bags outside of the hostel at that time, but where was the truck? We waited until 9am before we were told that an air valve had burst and they were going to have to fix it before we could leave. This was ok but did delay us until 3.30pm when we finally began our journey.
30 mins into the trip we heard a loud pop, one of the tires had blown and we then had to stop in the middle of a desert to fix it, taking another 30 mins.
It was now beginning to get dark and the roads were getting more and more risky. We were literally driving on the edges of cliffs and some people were becoming more nd more scared. All of a sudden we grind to a halt unable to move at all, even though the wheels were screaching underneath us. We got out of the truck and discovered that our driver had missed the turning for the road and had accidently taken us into a river bed, which was still muddy and wet. Our truck was well and truely stuck!
Our tour guide decided to try to get help from the locals nearby who informed us that they could not get the appropriate machinery until the following day. We were therefore stranded, in a river bed, in Bolivia, all night!!!!
We actually had a wicked time and made the truck into a disco then today it was hilarious watching a JCB try to dig us out.
Anyway wé made it and can not wait to get to Salta tomorrow where I'm Canopying through a jungle, yeah!!!
Gotta go, e-mail soon I promise.
Gem xxxx
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