Well I'm really enjoying Sydney, and living a little bit of a normal life. Working for an events team which is going really well. Recently worked at a film festival on Cockatoo Island, it was so cool having to get the ferry to and from work. I have worked at some great venues including 5* hotels and top rated restaurants. I was also offered a full time job at one of harbour side hotels. City life is very expensive, and I'm struggling to save any money, so looking to leave Sydney very soon.I have seen a lot since being here, completed the Bondi to Coogee costal walk, spent a day at Manly beach, explored north Sydney, lost money at Wentworth dog track, and of course seen the Opera House and bridge. Im currently in Bali with my mum for a week. We are staying in Kuta for 8 days, and loving the weather and cheap life style for a change.
- comments
chris Hiya Gemma - seems a lifetime since you were here :) Glad you seem to be having loads of fun. Are you planning to stay out there or coming back to sunny (not) England when your current visa expires?
chris Hiya Gemma - seems a lifetime since you were here :) Glad you seem to be having loads of fun. Are you planning to stay out there or coming back to sunny (not) England when your current visa expires?