I decided that I should try and learn Korean while I am over here, partly because it would be nice to make an effort to speak the Korean language and also partly because very few people speak anything but Korean and everywhere you go everything is written in Korean!
So, I had a trip to Seoul and Kyobo bookstore to find a book to help me learn and I found a couple of really good books, which were recommended to me by someone I met in the bookstore who had been learning Korean for years.
I haven’t done too much of them yet, but have started to learn the Korean alphabet and trying to learn all the vocab in the chapters I have done so far, which is hard and makes me feel like I’m back at school!! I have however learnt how to write my name in Korean which is quite cool.
I am actually really enjoying learning as its all so different, I just need to spend a bit more time focusing on it I think!
- comments
Gurwinder yes that is the 29 cutter i have plans to. have you ever read Larry Pardey's book on buliding their new boat Talisin? he is a very good craftsman boat builder, many good ideas they have on their boat, i will be buliding mine much the same way, as they say keep it simple and go now i have the same problem you have about finding the lead for the keel, at least finding it cheap may not be so easy. my boat will have 6350 pounds of lead guys might like the interior layout of the Pardey's boat, they have gravity feed water, oil lamps, simple navigation and no engine. i am looking forward to buliding my boat much the same way, it will get me underway faster and less maintanance on extra stuff .good luck on the planking james