To be honest, I’m not sure where to start with writing about my Green Day concert. It was certainly the best concert I have ever been to, including the last time that I saw them back in 2005.
I will try and keep it brief:
The first thing I had to do on the day of the concert was to find the hotel I would be staying in that night.
I had tried to find it on my own a few weeks before without success as the whole area is a maze of hotels, so when I arrived at the subway station I called the hotel and after a while a guy from the hotel came to fetch me. It turned out that the hotel was really easy to find once you knew where it was!
When I arrived at the hotel I was asked to choose my room using the flat screen TV in reception. On this screen were all the available rooms complete with pictures for me to look at to decide which room I wanted.
The room itself was very impressive, especially for the price I paid for the night. The room was pretty big and it has a huge TV screen with cable TV and a computer in the corner of the room too. The bathroom was also impressive with a Jacuzzi bath and amazing shower - the toilet even had a heated seat - amazing!!
Now, according to the tickets the start time of the concert was 8pm, so I aimed to get there for 7pm to try and get a good place. I arrived a little after 7pm and had a quick wander around to find someone to ask about where to go as I had no idea which entrance I was supposed to go in.
When I finally got inside, Prima Donna, who were the support band were already on. It seems that the 8pm on the ticket was the time that Green Day would start!
Because of this I was a little farther back that I had hoped to be, but I gradually made my way forward bit by bit as the night went on and ended up with a decent view!
When Green Day came on everyone went completely crazy. Everyone was pushing forward and jumping around it was a challenge to stay standing, but brilliant all at the same time!
Things did calm down a little after the first 30 minutes or so, but only in that there was less pushing which mean you didn’t have to concentrate on standing up anymore!
The Korean fans were awesome. This is the first time that Green Day had ever been to Korea so everyone was really excited.
It was also quite amusing that most of the Koreans only knew the choruses which meant that they were fairly quiet in the singing of the verses and then screamed out the chorus!
As they are known for, Green Day had awesome crowd involvement and the whole show from start to finish (all 2 hours 45 minutes) was really energetic, apart from the acoustic encore at the very end that is.
The whole night was brilliant and I just hope that I don’t have to wait another 5 years to see them again!
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