Day 1 - I got picked up from the hostel at 6:45am for my trip on the Eyre Peninsula. Today there was a lot of driving so I soon got chance to catch up on some sleep! There was a group of 8 of us for the first leg of the journey, 5 doing to loop of the Peninsula and 3 doing the trip across the Nullabor to Perth. The main stop today was in Pichi Richi for an hour long camel trek followed by a bush tucker lunc (no bugs, just salad and kangaroo!). The camel ride was really fun and suprisingly comfortable!
We then drove on to camp where we set up tents and then went to collect firewood for the camp fire while dinner was cooking. We all sat around the camp fire with a couple of beers tonight for a few hours before bed which was really nice.
Day 2 - Today was the day we got to swim with the dolphins and sealions. We packed up cam and headed to Baird Bay where we were given short wet suits before getting on the boat. We went to the sea lions first but there weren't many in the water so we went to the dolphins which were in deeper water. We got to go in with the dolphins twice and the second time was much better as I got really close to the dolphins with the swimming around me and then swimming right underneath me which was amazing as they were so close! We then went back to the sealions and there was one in the water so went in and the sealion was really playful, kumping in and out of the water around us, again we could get really close.
It was then getting a bit cold and I was tired fromconstantly swimming around and trying to work the snorkel and mask (I kept getting water up my nose!!) so I went back to the boat and we then soon headed back to shore for a hot drink to warm up (the water was freezing despite the wet suits!).
After the dolphins and sealions we went to Murphy's Haystacks which were some big rocks similar to the Remarkable Rocks on Kangaroo Island.
We then went to see a few caves and then went sanboarding near the hostel where we were staying the next couple of nights. It was then back to Coodlie Park which is the YHA which is own by the same people that own Nullabor Traveller. We had an amzing BBQ dinner and then I had an early night as was really tired.
Day 3 - today I went for a walk along the beach while some of the others had a surfing lesson and after this we went into Streaky Bay for a wander around and then lunch. We then said goodbye to the 3 going to Perth and got in the 4WD with Jo (one of the owners) and went for a walk along the cliffs at Venus Bay. There were loads of dolphins swimming just off the bay so we got to watch them as we walked which was really nice and the walk itself was really beautiful.
We then went back to Coodlie Park for an hour before heading to their private beach which involved climbing down one of the cliffs which was a bit of an adventure!
Tonight we had another amazing dinner and everyone had a relatively early night as we were all tired!
Day 4 - Today we joined with a new group who had come from Perth which made 10 of us. We had a bit of driving to do today but we did a few de-tours along some cliff top drives along the coast which were really nice. Then we drove to Port Lincoln where we had lunch at the caravan park where we were staying that night before heading out for our trip to the Tuna. We got a boat out to a netted area in the bay where the tuna were kept and we got to hand feed them which was really cool (although I used the tongs as they can bite and they were a bit fiesty!) We could also swim with them if we wanted which a couple did but it was really cold and rainy so I decided to give that a miss and settle for feeding them. After the tuna we spent a bit of time in Port Lincoln and then went back to set up our tents for the night and chill out for the evening.
Day 5 - today those doing the shark cage diving left really early and the rest of us got a bit of a lay in. We then drove to a beach for a surf lesson (which only 2 people did as it was cold and raining). After this we went to an Animal Park which was good and we had lunch there before heading to the pub in Cowell where we were staying for the night. We all had our own rooms which was nice and we got a nice pub dinner!
As it was our last night together and we were in a pub most of us all stayed in the bar until late despite having to leave at 6:45am the next morning!
Day 6 - The final day of the tour saw us drive to Port Augusta to visit the cultural centre and then to Port Germaine which is home to Australia's longest wooden jetty which we walked before lunch. After Port Germaine it was a long drive back to Adelaide and we got back about 4pm.
I have spent the rest of the day getting ready for my 7 day trip to Alice Springs starting tomorrow.
This trip on the Eyre Peninsula though was the best so far with so many amazing experiences that I am never going to forget!
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