Well there is not really much to say about the couple of days I spent in Melbourne before heading to Tasmania which is why I haven't written an entry until now, my last evening in Melbourne. Those first couple of days I visited the Aquarium which was pretty good (although quite small) and taking the free tourist shuttle around the city (letting my legs recover before the 6 days of walking I knew were coming when I got to Tas) to work out where I wanted to go when I got back to the city.
When I got back from Tas it was 2 day trips in a row. The first on the Wed was to Wilsons Promontory which is a national park about 3 hours from Melbourne that is still a bit of a secret, in that not many people have realised it exists yet (other that the Aussies that is). The drive was broken up by a couple of stops before reaching the national park. The Prom was hit by the bush fires in Victoria a few months back and we could see the damage caused as we drove through some areas, but also that the trees and other plants had already started to recover well.
Our destination was Mount Ohlsen which we climbed for some amazing views. We sat on the rocks at the top of the mountain and ate lunch and the views were like nothing I had seen before, amazing.
The next stop was at Tidal River for tea and coffee and a walk to the lake and finally we made a stop at Squeak Beach, so named because the sand squeaks as you walk on it.
The following day was my trip to Phillip Island and the penguin parade. We had a reasonably late start to the day and made a few stops on the way at a wildlife sanctuary and also a farm on Churchill Island before a visit to the Nobbies (some rocks) and then the penguin parade. The penguins were awesome and so funny (watching a penguin trying to walk downhill is one of the funniest things I have seen!).
On Friday I went to St Kilda with a couple of the people I was on the Tassie trip with. It was pouring with rain most of the day so was pretty miserable, but we made the most of it before heading back on the shuttle bus at 3pm. When I got back I booked up the next legs of my trip having decided on a few changes to the original itinery (mostly how rather that where).
Saturday was Anzac day and also the day I had planned to wander around the city. Big mistake - you couldn't move!! I dropped my camera in to have the photos put onto DVD and then went to the box office and managed to pick up tickets to see Reginald D Hunter at the Comedy Festival that night and called it a day.
The comedy show was brilliant, really funny. Am just a bit annoyed with myself for not going to a show sooner, but nevermind, at least I got one in.
This morning I spent some time getting organised for tomorrow (I have to check out at 6:30am!!) and then went to meet the bus for my Ramsay Street trip. It was quite cool, we went to the studios and saw where they film and also got to meet Janelle Timmons (not that she is in it anymore) before heading to the street itself which is tiny, but I got my picture taken with the Ramsay Street sign outside the Kennedy's House!
Tomorrow I head along the Great Ocean Road for 3 days to Adelaide which should be great, just hope the weather improves.
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