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Riverview, New South Wales
So it is Christmas morning and there is an air of anticiaption for all the travellers. Bill is asleep in his cot dreaming about all the big paper parcels hea has seen downstaris... he is not sure what they are for, but he knows deep down they are special. The little monkey is alreay atracted to the one which is the biggest .. and of course …
Belinda Lui A Coward indeed (nothing scary about 8 LARGE pythons)!
re: Paris, FranceHannah Nice travel blog :) To check out more places, visit http://www.mapsofworld.com/spain/spain-cities/madrid-map.html
re: Madrid, Spaincesar I am veryhappy for both of you ,only 20 sleeps for Maui , see youithen mahalo Cesar
re: Paris, FranceDavid Clifford Sorry Gavan, I don't think it will fly. Good try though. I have enjoyed reading the blog. My best wishes to you and Ket, David
re: 28 July 2013cesar gladiator you are in Shape keep up Cesar
re: 29 June 2013