Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! It was nice to have a lay in for once! I don't think we got up until late, at least 11 o'clock. It was a hundred times better than our last night in Banff. Today we planned to go on a long walk, we walked into the town first to check it out. As I had expected it was very quiet. It consisted of a couple of streets with shops, bars and restaurants. We walked around in about 5 minutes and saw everything they had.
Once we found a supermarket we went and got some breakfast stuff, cereal and milk and few other bits and walked back to the hotel to drop off the items before our walk. The cereal was amazing, however the milk was half milk, half cream! Which was a little sickly! We were really classy eating it out of the coffee mugs we had in the room. Once we had some food in our bellies it was time to go trekking!
We decided to walk to Lake Pyramid. It didn't look to far on the map, and we felt that we haven't done a massive walk yet so today was our perfect chance. The weather was warm and the sun was shining! The first part of the walk had notice boards stating "WARNING!" Wolfs in area. This worried both of us a little because although we want to see them, I'm not sure how we would react if we came face to face with one. You could see that autumn had set in most of the trees had lost their leaves, however you had a lot of greens from the evergreen trees. The woodlands were thick, anything could have been hiding out there. We had walked for about 90 minutes before we got sight of the lake. There were really well signposted routes we could follow, most of the time we used track 2. At one point we had walked up to a summit of a small mountain (Hill) and we got fantastic views of the countryside. Unspoilt by buildings, cars or roads, just endless countryside as far as the eye could see, in the distance the mountains.
As we arrived at the lake there was a muddy part of the track, it was ok because we could walk around it. However we looked closely into the soft wet mud and saw something that would put us on the right track. Wolf foot prints. It was amazing to see, but made it a little scary - evidence of these wolfs actually being out there somewhere. We took a walk around the lake and an island that you could walk on that was linked to the land by a wooden bridge. Silence. You couldn't here a thing - the clouds started to turn a dark grey and the reflection in the water wasn't so clear. It was time we moved on. Neither of us rain coats and didn't fancy getting soaked.
The walk back to the hotel felt a lot quicker, we did go a slightly different way, but we had been walking nearly 4 hours no stop, (You can fly to Cyprus or drive to Manchester in that time!). Once back at the hotel it was time to chill a little bit. I felt pretty good except my crappy cheap plimsoles are wrecked and started to kill my feet. We were lucky enough to have missed any rain as well.
We headed into the town centre for dinner and ate in an underground bar, the food was amazing, but it could have been double the size. It was thanksgiving night and we were a little worried places would be closed. However everything seems to be open. We went to a pub called the Whistler Pub. It had happy hour and a pool table so it was a winner for us.
We spent most of the night there. They had a live band come on so we stuck around and listened. The problem was they sung country music. It was really not my cup of tea. This made us order shots, as we need something to liven up the music. Listened to a couple of songs and headed home. (At least our home for the time being).
We were pissed now, it was freezing a few snow drops in the air. But on our walk down to the hotel we saw massive elk eating off the trees in the middle of the road. Honestly I was bricking it a little bit. Then we heard something that sounded like a wolf, we can't guarantee it was one - it could have been the drink. But Chris is sure he actually saw it. It could have been following the elk. Sadly we can't confirm either way. We picked up the pace now all the way back to the hotel. Hungry when we got back, the cereal and milk/cream combo was amazing when we go it. Perfect for the beer munchies!
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