I showered early, and got dressed and went down to reception early so I could use the wifi, as cant get it in my room. The connection was crap. Had beans and cheese on toast for breakfast knowing we have the trek ahead of us. Left on time, in these 4x4's, they were black with massive horns bolted to the front. I'm sure they must have been about 20+ years old! We had about an hour drive before arriving at our trek start point. The sun was shining, and it was a lot warmer than last night. I could already tell that we were going to have some great views. We set off, and that's when the sweat started! The first bit was really up hill, but at least it was dry. We continued to walk up hill for about 30 minutes then had a break at the top. Our guide told us able to the local culture, the highlands, and that the government of Malaysia isn't helping to protect the land. There was a massive spider that was bouncing along the dirt track, I've never moved so fast in my life. We then find out that with one bite your dead. The local guide doing the action of slitting a neck with his knife. I also held a millipede and had a hat made for me out of the ferns, but started to itch my head.
The more I thought about it, it could have been the set for the hunger games, that I have just finished reading, remote, killer animals, my imagination started to run a bit wild. We walked about another hour, over streams, up and down the rock mountains. At one point we had to climb down a the bank of the stream and up the other side, as the bamboo bridge had been removed. It was good fun. We then arrived at the sight if the massive flowers, can you imagine a flower even bigger than my head!!! Ha ha. We started to get attacked by the bees, well, not really attached, but they wanted the salt from our sweat. Before I knew it, I had about 6 on me, crawling around. Normally I would flap and runaway, but I kept my cool. They light a fire with loads of leafs giving off smoke that calmed it for a little while. A couple of the guys did get stung. Within seconds of the fire going out, the bees were back, I must have some really nice salty sweat! Lol. Eventually they did disappear. We then drank the cold, clear water from inside bamboo! It was good, as I'd ran out of water, I even filled my bottle up again! We then turned around, and started to head back the same way, stopping off at a small waterfall. My back dripping with sweat, even my day bag was soaked, grimm I know, but I was doing alright, wasn't out of breath, could have kept going. We then walked up to a small village, we had go on a blow pipe, I even managed to get the dart with in the outer rings of the target.
We left the jungle, and drove to a place were we had lunch, it was an indian style buffet, it was ok. I just stuck to the stuff that I knew! We didn't stay long, and we got back in the 4x4's, and climbed the mountains, and headed to the tea plantation. The views were breathtaking, looking out over the valley, bright green fields. Walked around the small museum, and then walked down to the cafe. For the first time that I can remember, I drank a pot of local grown tea! It was ok- don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon! But with the tea, and the scone! It felt very British! Took loads of photos, and walked around the shop! Then after about an hour we left for the butterfly farm, however they had a lot more than just butterflies. Insects, beatles, spiders, snakes... The list goes on, it was a bit of a strange place? The butterflies were cool, but so many dead ones, and some with broken wings. Didn't spend to long here, and our last stop was the Strawberry farm, you got it, they grew and sold the famous Cameron Highland strawberries. But I had eaten so much during the day, I couldn't fit any more in. We were then dropped off back at the hotel, and given time to get ready before Dinner.
Curry again! Except this time it was really nice, it was served on a banana leaf, which I should try when I get home.. As it would save on washing up. The food was really good, and the tiger beer went down nicely! Curry and a beer! Perfect. Had a walk around the stalls, it was Sunday, so they all started to close about 10pm. A couple of us went for a beer, before heading back to the hotel for another early start! Off to Penang!! :-)
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