We've just logged on about 20 minutes before we should be catching our flight to Dhaka! Great to see all your messages....
Colin - I think we did use the same travel agent - how strange! Did he keep spitting a lot as well? I think he's still trying to sell the same chess set :)
Maria - you have no idea how much we are ready to come home where there are things like....laws, a government, flushing toilets, shops with prices that are non negotiable etc! I shall look forward to our cocktails at Montey's!
Adam - I think an elephant might just go over our weight allowance, unless I can find one that weighs less than 23kg :)
Mum - yes champagne is vegan!! I shall look forward to sharing a glass with you soon xx
Colin & Sue
Just got your postcard. Thanks so much and I'm glad you liked Bhaktapur. Still have fond memories of the whole place. AND you went to Chitwan....must have been using the same tour guide...some little skinny bloke with bad teeth who kept saying namaste? Looking forward to hearing all about it soon. Our best.
Maria Nacey
Hello my friends..
I am still astounded by your journey, it really does look amazing and thats just me looking at photo's and reading your blog, so it must be phenomenal to you guys... gosh I bet its gonna be hard coming back to little ole england after this wonderful experience.... I bet it's been quite life altering..!!
Nontheless it will be lovely to see you both again and to listen to your adventurous tales....
Alisha I will book our seats at Montey's, cocktails all night and alcoholic one's for you this time..!!
enjoy the rest of your trip, take care xx
Hey there kids! looks awesome! i did have a chuckle at the moustache you got going on there though.
Hope all is still going great over there. im jealous now, i think i need another holiday. you may be seeing more of me now ;-) speak to you later! try and smuggle me back an elephant in your bags the kittens would love that!
Lilian Walker
We are so proud of you both and so excited that you will be home again soon so we can share all your stories - the full picture with no holds barred!! Hope the rest of the week is full of pleasurable experiences and not too much heart-stopping terror!! We have so much to catch up on. Off to buy the champagne tonight. (Is Champagne vegan?)
Love to you both. Take care. Keep safe.
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kelly Shaw
Hiya guys
Everything sounds and looks so fabulous...apart from the no hot water/heating! However, I'm sure the experience far outweighs such luxury. Hope the enjoyment and excitement continues as it's something that will be in your memory forever. It'll be something you can tell my grandkids, when we're sat by the fire with our purple rinse and gareth has white facial hair!! I know I don't see you much but feels more obvious when your not in the same country. Missing you loads and can't wait to catch up. xxx
Maria Nacey
Hey guys, this trip looks awfully exciting and I am quite envious... this is the kind of stuff you see on the TV and there you both are, living the dream.
I am hooked on your website, it beats Coronation Street and Eastenders any day. Watching your trek has been amazing and the photo's are fabulous.
What am I going to do when its all over..!! You will have to go on another exciting adventure my friends, the tension and anticipation is incredible.
Hey Gareth love the facial hair, gone is the baby face and finally Alisha finds her man..!!
Take Care now and keep having fun xx
I've just read my last message. It was very early in the morning and I was thinking that Yeti's were gonna be carrying you. OBVIOUSLY I meant Yaks. Doh! Thats the wonder of Fleming that has addled my brain. So.........seen any Yeti's?!!!! Your pictures are amazing and inspiring. Well done you two. You've brought Nepal to life for us guys who are sat here in the UK. Stay safe and keep enjoying every moment. Gareth - please don't shave that stuff off your face til you're back at work. We could do with some laughs. Thats pure comedy!
Gareth & Alisha
Hi everyone, thanks for all your messages of support! We made it to Base Camp, and are nopw enjoying the relative warmth of Kathmandu - hope to check up on the website again soon - take care!
Lilian Walker
Brilliant news. So many people are amazed and/or envious. Hope your legs, hips, back and all other parts are in reasonable condition. Enjoy the rest of your time there.
Lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Glad to see your progress. Nice toilet facilities aren't they lol. Hope the culture shock isn't too great. You will remember this journey for ever. Our very best wishes and wish we were there with you.
Colin & Sue
Tony Cheesman
Just had a satellite phone call from Gareth and Alisha to say that they have reached Everest Base Camp ahead of schedule and are now heading back down! Time to crack open the Champers! Well done both of you!