Trying to remember what we have done since our last blog as it seems so long ago! After Batemans Bay we made our way to the last town before Victoria, Eden. We stayed at a lovely campsite right next to the beach and we treated our selves to some steak for dinner and bbq'd it on the beach that night. The campsite also had an amazing jumping pillow which when the children weren't on it we had great fun. Kates had to be dragged off it in the morning. The entry into Victoria was spectacular, we drove for 180kms seeing just huge trees lining a never ending road and no cars! From here we detoured to Lakes Entrance and stayed for the night. It is here that 90mile beach starts and it was pretty long! Our campsite here was lovely, very clean facilities etc. We did attempt to sit on the beach but the wind was wipping us with sand so we sunbathed in the campsite with wine and crisps!
We didnt really spend much time in lakes Entrance as we wanted to see a bit more of 90 mile beach. We stopped off in Cape Conran which gave us deserted beaches on the most picturesque day. Here we ran ourselves silly down the beach doing stupid things, a highlight was running like mams. It was all good fun until We found a Jellyfish that we nearlly trod on and it was huge. So we grabbed a stick and prodded it. From here we drove straight to Melbourne.
The Great Ocean Road was calling and we wanted to do it sooner rather than later so we wouldn't have to rush it. We stayed at a campsite in Chelsea which is along a beach in Melbourne!! Obviously being Chelsea we had to stay there. It wasn't as nice as Chelsea in London and Kates ahd a disappointment when the cheesecake shop only sold huge half or whole cheesecakes and not slices. So not a good start to Melbourne.
Anyway, the Great Ocean Road, what more can we say than wow. It was absolutely incredible. It helped that we had the clearest sunniest day possible to see it on but it was still spectacular. It was built by men who had returned from the war, inorder to give them a job and so it has alot of meaning behind it. We drove all the way from Anglesea to Port Campbell. We kept stopping on the way to admire the views and take pictures etc so it took us all day to do but it was so worth it. The 12 apostles which aren't actually 12 anymore were definately the highlight. The rock formations protrude out of the ocean and it you look back from the lookout you can see the sheer cliff face and see how it has fallen away to create these structures. It makes you feel pretty small. The lookout is also being eroded away and so one day will become one of the apostles. We later returned to see the apostles at sunset which was breathtaking and surreal with people waching drinking wine etc. Quite Magical. The day we drove back towards Melbourne was a drizzly overcast day and so we had seen it at its best.
Back in Melbourne we checked into our most expensive and possibly worst campsite at $42 a night for an unpowered site which literally means they give you a patch of grass. We couldn't believe how many people they crammed in, we were literally sleeping next to our neighbours. The price was all due to the F1!!!!
G thoroughly enjoyed his day at the Race. I waved him off at the train station with a camera and packed lunch and he joined all the other excited car enthusiasts. He had a brilliant spot on the 2nd corner so he could see the straight. They also put on lots of entertainment from 10am through to around 11pm. There was also a jumbojet flyover from Quantas as they are a sponsor which from the pics looks amazing. But overall he had the best day ever!! I spent the day looking around the shops and harbour. I also got swept into an aussie rules crowd which was very scary and i felt very out of place. The shopping in Melbourne however is amazing!! We were both completely knackered that night as i wrked out i had walked non-stop for 7 hours so we had a well earned lie-in. Yesterday we caught the tram into town. The trams are brilliant here and take you everywhere, they also have free tourist ones. I showed G around they harbour etc and we then explored other areas. We went into the main shopping mall which is built around an old brick building it is pretty awesome and had a huge gold pocket watch on the wall. So we just wandered around all day taking in the sights. A highlight of the day was sitting in a coffee shop on one of the busy corners people watching.
Today, we said goodbye to Peggy :((( Veyr sad day. G washed her this morning and i tidied the inside. However the guy we took her back to was an arrogant, ignorant, rude idiot. Hmm i did not like him at all. We asked if they would delete our credit card details off the system and he was like after we do damages checks etc yes we will. well if they charge us for anything i will be furious. She has gone back in better condition than when we got her. I also pointed out all the mould etc.
Anyway, we then waddled to our hostel which is called Greenhouse Backpackers. The website makes it look amazing, it isnt so good but we get free wifi and breakfast and today we got dinner. However it is costing $60 a day for both of us and this is one of the cheap ones. Oh well!!
Uploading pics as i write!!
- comments
Mams OYYYYYYYYYYY.....cheekies lovely to speak to you on Sunday Baba :-) ......Sounds like Wezzles had a good time at the F1.... Bye Bye Peggy :-(...Looking forward to seeing some piccies xxxxxxxxxx
granma I sat in bed at 7am here watching the Grand Prix which was most exciting.Good old Jensen Button winning on Aussie home ground. Yeh. Safe journey to NZ,so looking forward to your blogs from there. My dream place. Laughed at you running on the beach doing a Mams. LOL.Bless her. Oh and I think the easter chick might have laid choccy eggs for you both I did ask them. Love you loads xxxxxxxxx
Rosemary We all watched the GP - fantastic race! Lewis was literally shaking with anger when interviewed though! As the camera scanned the crowd we saw a bloke waving and decided it was my baby boy!!! i was SO envious G - wish I had been there with you. xxxx
Boo Hii!! I am feeling sad today boo, I wanted cuddles from my boo, but, alas, you are on the other side of the world...:( love you lots it all sounds so awesome!!! P.s the Lindt rabbit dropped one of his bunnies off for me to look after till you come home xxxxx