Ramblings of a Polymath (more like a ferret) & His S
Our son Drew's 50th birthday is later this month. We are making a three week trip to celebrate and along with his step-godmother Lee, staying in Southampton for the celebrations and then a week in Weymouth.
We leave Saturday night.
- comments
AOB Have a lovely trip, Happy Birthday to Drew, hope it’s a bit warmer
Angie Have a great time! Glad you're all well - you've been quiet lately.
Nikki Brown Bon voyage my dears and stay safe Xnikki and di
Lyle Have a lovely trip!
Julie & David Have a great celebratory trip. Doesn't seem that long ago that we attended your 50th Gav. Does that mean that we are getting old?
Gavin You nailed it Julie. I only just turned 50. I'm still only in my 50s.
Suey You all look delicious!