Today was embarkment day, but not till later in the afternoon. We didn't really have anything planned so since checkout wasn't till 11am I spent some time in the hot spa and lying by the pool. Need to take advantage of these things is what I say.
After we checked out, we took our gear to the Uncruise check in area which was in the hotel and left our bags with them and were told we didn't need to be back till 3.45pm. Mum and I decided to jump in a taxi up to Walmart at the top of the hill but I must say it doesn't hold the fascination it did when I was working at camp. So many great deals in those days for what we thought were essentials to get through the summer. Brought back lots of memories. Mum and I then had brunch at Denny's and mum finally got some Mozzarella Sticks but was disappointed. Said she will wait to get back home and have some of ours from the restaurant.
Walked back down the hill via some more shops and did a little bit of shopping before time to meet back at Uncruise. We were advised there would be 32 of us on the ship for the week but 2 were still to arrive due to circumstances beyond their control. We had an hour bus trip ahead of us to the harbour where the Safari Explorer was waiting for us. The bus trip was interesting because pretty much this island is all lava rock and different types. We even got to see a Lava Tube from the side of the road. Amazing what nature can do. We saw our first animals of the trip...Lava Goats which roam wild out here.
Finally arrived and boarded the ship. Room is quite spacious but the ship is obviously smaller then the one we were on last year. Had a look around before we had to do a safety drill which although I still got upset during, I managed to see it out. Before long it was dinner time where we were introduced to the rest of the staff and the last 2 passengers arrived. Most people turned in early as they had only flown in yesterday or today but mum and I stayed and hung out before it was time for us to hit to sack too.
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