My name is Martin Nyffeler. I am an arachnologist and I wish to discuss with you about the fish-eating spiders in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve that you had observed. Would you please send me an email. My Email-address is: martin.nyffeler@unibas.ch
Thanks. Regards, Martin
Dr. Martin Nyffeler
would you please send me an Email! I am an arachnologist studying fish-eating spiders and I would like very much to discuss with you about the spiders that catch fish - witnessed by you in Ecuador. It is very important to me. I hope to hear from you. Thanks!
Kind regards,
Hi Craig.
Glad to see you're still going strong. Probably just as well you are out of the country as you'd be very upset with Utd's anihilation by Barca on saturday.
HI Im so enjoying your travels and photos and looking foward to the next instalment you both take care
I am really emjoying following the progress around the world of you and Craig. I am missing our regular dinner dates. I am off to Leeds for a day next week (9th Feb) to see Sophers in Leeds. Take care, I love you so very much..... my Favourite Eldest Daughter! xxx
Hi Craig
Glad to see you're still enjoying yourself. You're not missing much back here.
Happy new year.
Mum (Jayne) & David
oops should have read no more 'Delhi-belly' (blooming fingers)!!
Mum (Jayne) & David
Hiya Gem & Craig, hope you are enjoying Japan and am looking forward to some more photo's. Trust you are both well and more 'Dehli-belly'!!
Have fun and let's see some more photo's of your faces :-)))
Love Mum (Jayne) & David x x x
Hi Gemma & Craig,
Happy New Year to you both, glad you are enjoying yourselves, hope you did'nt get to drunk seeing the new year in as we did (not really) have fun l will watch you on your travels with envy. xxxx
Hi Craig,
It's christmas eve here and I am thinking of you as always. Have yourself a very merry christmas and a happy new year. I will be away myself for the new year so I will not be able to write to you till next year. that's another one gone. Make sure you take care and do not be too trusting or get too much drink. Choose your friends carefully. P.S. I like your bloggs and pictures and wish your face was in more of them.
Hi Craig,
Delighted to see you're enjoying yourself and discovering that north of England transport standards are replicated on the African continent!!!
Happy Christmas
Gary O'
Hi Craig! sounds like your having a fantastic time. Tried to spot you in your safari pictures but the closest i got was the rear end of a baboon,uncanny likeness. keep safe and keep enjoying. All the best Gary O'