We arrived in Victoria Falls (The Zimbabwe side) and we immediately taken to the activities office to book activities for the comingew days. I knew I would do white water rafting because its something I have always wanted to do! I did however also opt for half a day adrenaline which consisted of doing three frightening activities. 1) Zip line through the middle of the gorge: you are attached in a seated position and then you fly along at about 80mph to the other side and back (I didnt find it that frightening tho) 2) You are attached around your waist but this time you have to run off the edge of a platform and then you fly horizontally through the middle of the gorge (honestly, I wasnt at all scared by that one) 3) THE BIG ONE, its world famous and is called the Gorge Swing (I have it on film) you have to jump off a platform at the top of the gorge and the free fall straight down 150 metres feet first and then you fall into a 120metre swing at the bottom. Its very scary as all you can see below you is rocks and rapids- very good fun but terrifying!!
The next day I did a full days white water rafting. Was very excited but once they started talking about death- i started to fell abit anxious but I thought 'What the hell' lets go for it! The boat contained 8 people and the guide and we were all given a paddle, helmet and life jacket. We were assured that no one had ever died on the 23 rapid course which is one of the hardest in the world. We would be doing mainly grade 4-5, the top grade is 6!!! EEeEk!!
So, we got in the boat and made our way to the firstr rapid, we were told that if the boat flips (which it will at some point during the day) dont panic if your stuck under the boat just breath through the air pockets and then swim out when you have enough air! So the first rapid comes and we manage to flip the boat before the rapid- so I got stuck under the boat alone and unable to get any air because the boat was going through the rapids. I honestly thought I had died: I remember gasping underwater and thinking I need to find air but couldnt see a way to any, and then suddenly our instructors hand grabs at me from above and pulls me out. He said I panicked but I would have been fine (I disagree) It was quite fun tho and I didnt feel anxious about the rest of the day! One of the girls on the boat was almost crying though, because when I was stuck under the boat they saw a paddle, helmet and life jacket go past- they thought id die!! But luckily for you all- im still here!!
Heres the names of the rapids: made me laugh:
1)Boiling pot
2) ?
3) ?
4) Morning Glory
5) Stairway to Heaven
6)The Devils Toilet Bowl
7) Gullivers Travels
8) Muncher
9) Commercial Suiicide
10) Gnashing Jaws
11) Overland Truck Eater
12) The Three Sisters
13) Mother
14) The Narrow\
15) The Terminator
16) Double Trouble
17) Oblivion
Oh, we found out later that 15 peopel have died in the Zambezi!! Glad he told me afterwards, I feel so brave!! I really loved it and will definitely do it again, hopefully in the Grand Canyon!
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