Happy birthday to me .
Yes today is the 4th December, but it's still the 3rd in UK
Yesterday lunch time we boarded a classic wooden boat, 9 adults and 2 children. It's a bit like the river Nile there is hundreds of boats.
This time we are 1 English ,1 Swedish girl with Aussie boyfriend, 1 Japanese guy, 2 germans one has his Botswana wife two 2 other blokes that I'm not sure as they are continually moaning (Serbia it seems) So quite a mixture.
So I'm thinking not a very good party lot.
Anyhow we boarded and it is beautiful, my cabin is very smart and I don't have to share whoopee.
We are served a good lunch whilst moving scenery is amazing here a bit like Norways fjords. After lunch the tender takes us to a huge cave, what a find that was. I Always think can you imagine finding something like that. Then we have the chance to kayak in the bay, great fun partnered up with the German woman and we didn't fall in.
Back on the boat for drinks and time to get ready for a good supper.
You have to buy your drinks on board but no ice, so beer for me.
Actually had quite a nice evening believe it or not the german guy and his Botswana wife had us in stitches. How they meet and the wedding etc. Plus there kids 7 and 1 are very good and quiet.
Morning now thankfully , we have to be up early, as there has been one downside think they forgot to put a mattress on my bed, like sleeping on a board.
4th Dec
After breakfast we are taken back to Shore by a tender from here we travel by bus to Cat Ba, up and down the mountains.
Arriving at a homestay we all get on bikes and cycle to a small fishing bay, great fun as lot of down hill. But of course what goes down must go back up so getting back was tougher. Rewarded by a great lunch, of prawns noodles, spring rolls, vegetables & chicken dish. Must say we are getting fed well.
We also visited a cave which they had made into a hospital, 3 floors. You had to see to believe plus how they had concealed the entrances and made several routes for escape.
Then it's of to our hotel which looks out on a beautiful fishing bay. The afternoon spent with a walk to 3 beautiful beaches where we (4 of us) indulged in Piña Colada's.
It has been a quite evening but with a fantastic sunset & a good supper.
I have had a really great birthday and good weekend. All for 125 dollars, £80.
If you haven't been here, you really should try. Apparently last year it was added to one of the seven wonders of the world. There must be about 14 of them now.
Thank you all for your good birthday wishes you were all that was missing.x
Monday tomorrow, another day in my exciting life.
- comments
Janette Jays Hi Bobby, Glad you had a good birthday. Sounds like you are having an amazing adventure. I am sure there will be a lot to tell when you return. Just put my xmas decs up. Not around much but thought I would try & get into the spirit. Not working yet though! Am off to Tenerife in Feb for a week. Not as exotic as where you are but about as far as I am likely to venture. I hope you can pick this message up as not sure if I am doing this right. Anyway take care & look forward to catching up when you get back. Keep safe. Luv Janette.
trish hughes happy birthday bobby love jim and trish
Steph Hi Sis Just looked at the pictures look at the view amazing can't believe that you are there so cool the cabin on the boat look great. Cannot believe that you found a bike there as well. Well lovely anither year has passed and what some memories you have good to chat today sorry skype was not all that be better when I get a new phone. Hope this week is as good as the last keep blogging take care wishing I was with you love titch xxx
Jean A belated Happy Birthday to you tra la la xxx I am on page 77 of your Journal - sounds like you are having such fun and seeing so much - Pompey is going to be so-ooo boring I reckon x take care x