How do we feel about leaving South America? Failures because we don't speak fluent Spanish. Hero's because we survived without being a victim of crime. Blessed because of the people, places and memories made. Has it been what we expected? Well we came without expectation and so it has been an experience. We have learnt so much about the countries we have visited and we have learned even more about who we are and how we work together. Our final thoughts are how lucky we are to have crossed paths with those we met and will still stay in touch with and how hopeful we are with our next chapter now that we know how to make this travelling malarkey happen.
51 different beds
47 different hostels
16 flights
28 Long distance bus journeys varying from 4 hours to 28 in one sitting.
2 hospital visits
3 hangovers from hell (numerous ones that were just about bearable)
1 failed attempted at a mugging
Too many lost things to count
3 best hostels
Casona del odile, El Bolson, Argentina
Black sheep in Medellin, Colombia
Refugio in Pucon, Chile
3 worst hostels
Buenos ARTES, Buenos Aires, Argentina
YHA, Mendoza, Argentina
Avenues de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Best meals
Quinoa in Cusco, Peru
Trout on the BBQ on Boxing Day in El Bolson, Argentina
Steak in San Gil, Colombia or maybe the Taverna in Sucre, Bolivia
3 Worst meals
- South African airlines vegetarian option: dish cloth flavour
- Gustu, La Paz, Bolivia for their posh pond weed
- Christmas dinner of omelette and cuppa soup due to bad planning and hangover from hell.
3 best injuries
- Sliced finger on a wine glass in El Bolson, Argentina
- Sun burnt face in Uyuni, Bolivia
- Coccyx from 'hero' jump in Galapagos
3 best activities
- Rafting 5+ rapids in San Gil, Colombia
- Climbing a volcano and sledging down it in Pucon, Chile.
- Mountain bikes on Death Road, La Paz, Bolivia.
3 biggest disappointments
- Simons pedicure. Nails as well as toes were filed down.
- Paragliding. Bit dull.
- Lake Titicaca. Moody locals and uninspiring stuff.
- Gustu, the Michelin star restaurant in La Paz. The great company saved it!
3 most embarrassing moments
- Early morning receptionist intrusion
- Telling a South American his Spanish was good
- Wearing a bikini with sun burn 'shorts'. Me not simon...
3 best lump in throat moments
- Baby lizard (Ned) in the Galapagos that died in our shower
- Potosi and purely it's magical presence.
- Macchu Picchu finally coming into view as the clouds lifted
3 most unnecessary purchases
- Guitar that Simon has lugged through 4 countries and never taken out of its case.
- Felt trilby (I blame those Nixon's!)
- The fifth scarf
3 worst things about backpacking....there are actually way more than three....
- Washing underwear in the sink
- Packing a wet towel
- Cankles after night buses
- Dubbed films on buses
- No-one having change
- South American bum wee
- Speaking embarrassingly bad Spanish
- Packing. Oh and packing. And.....PACKING!
- Bad pillows
- Sun burnt shoulders and having to lug 14 kilos on your back whilst trying to find where you're staying.
Top tips for travelling South America
- Duolingo app. At least you can learn to say "the woman has an apple" in Spanish. A great conversation killer but at least you show willing
- Drink as much of the cheap red wine as you can
- Don't book, just blag it.
- Sun cream. Put the cream on you think you need and then double it.
- Budget. From day one think about it. Whatever your budget is, double it.
- Plan your salt plain photos!
- Always blame the altitude...for literally anything.
- For free colonic irrigation drink the tap water
- Buses are NEVER as cold as they tell you
- Bed bugs are not a travelling myth
- Don't be vegetarian OR learn to love sandwiches
- Don't rely on toilet access on a long distance bus.
- You may think you don't get travel sickness but....
- Always check both date and airport of your flight.
- Always expect rush hour traffic even without rush hour.
The final adventure to the airport and on to South Africa. Up at 5.30am, first bus caught without a hitch. Second bus caught with time to spare and with seats for the whole 2 hour journey. The perfect final journey. Wandering through the doors with time for a coffee. Wrong airport.
The taxi driver gave simon a mug from his flask of strong tea whilst I kept very quiet and looked out the window....
- comments
Frank Hahhahhahhah you guys are hilarious... I knew some of this but reading this is brilliant. Much much much love Pops xxxx
Annabelle Walker Love this! Highly touching, amusing and fabulous that you still love each other despite all the trials, pains and downright undignified incidents! I was worried things may have taken a turn for the worse when Simon enjoyed pushing you off a bridge but you boinged back up again from your bungee and you're both still smiling! Marvellous stuff, keep the updates coming! Love it! X
Kevin Enjoyed following (most of) your travel blogs in S America - in between moving to Devon, travelling to Turkey in February and in May, to Italy. I would dream of writing a blog like you as there is no way I could be so eloquent of humorous. Keep it up. Have a fab time in South Africa - or should I say, continue to do so. Glad you're both having such a wonderful experience. I look forward to the next instalment.