The Silver Pagoda within the Royal Palace grounds is a very note-worthy place and I realise I haven't given any interesting details of it.
Here are a few bits:-
It is so named due to it's floor rather than its exterior (unlike the various Golden Temples around the World - the one in Amritsar, India particularly).
The floor consists of over 5,000 silver tiles weighing 1kg each.
Most of it is covered in rather nice carpets for protection. You can see and touch plenty of them though and, in fact, feel some of the covered ones move under your feet as you walk around.
The building is also known as the Pagoda of the Emerald Buddah and, unsurprisingly, there is an emerald green Buddah image as the focus point within - it sits atop a large gilded pedestal. Rumour has it that the image is not emerald as such but rather made of Baccarat crystal.
Irrespective, it is a beautful object, if a bit dusty.
In front of the dais and Emerald Buddha pedestal is a life sized gold Buddah. It weighs 90kg and is decorated with a mere 9,584 diamonds - the largest coming in at 25 carats.
Also around the building interior are a vast number of other Buddah images of various types and sizes plus many other onjects, most or all of which would be remarkable in isolation but fade into the background somewhat in comparison with the two principal items.
A fabulous sight - I will see if I can find any photos on-line (visitors are not allowed to photograph inside the building). If I do, I'll add them to the Photo section.
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