The mice were surprisingly good though - tasted a lot like rat.
Bob Bircahll
Ken, I am impressed with the accomodation pretty upmarket. Now tell me you did not the mice or those insects. Bats are very impressive. Safe trip home.
Hope Des is feeling better soon & especially B4 you get the homeward flight! That would be a carp trip!
The Siberian hamsters would most likely be OK! LOL
Hi Bronwyn. I have had deep fried crickets and wine from a bottle with a deceased snake in it but I couldn't handle those things at all. Not the mice either.
Bronwyn Beutel
Ken, Remind me next time not to look though your photos while eating breakfast Deep fried spiders, baby snakes and rats! ICK Please tell me you didn't eat those!!
Hi Meg, I know it's been hot there - 31 degrees here today. I hope everything went really well! We've spent 8 hours today touring around and got back absolutely covered in dust.
Clint Eastwood
I just now got through the "bears and waterfalls" photos, and I enjoyed them thoroughly, being the peace loving tree hugging hippie that I am. ..
Jack Palance
12 US fluid ounces is
354.882 ml
Breaks down to roughly $.67 for a regular standard sized beer. Wow. ..
Ju guys just look marvelous!
< in my best nonverbal Billy Crystal I could muster >
On a side note, so I can send this comment .. what's 5+5?
Just about to leave for the wedding, Des, Its going to be 34 degrees, probably hotter in the Parklands.........dripping already.....
Glad you like 'em Ali & Ian. Wait until you get the chance to personally stagger around in the heat for a day or more. Sure makes the local beer taste great!
Ali & Ian
Looking fabulous guys. We've been showing Ray the pics on the iPad, so hope we haven't stolen your thunder. He's enjoying them more than we are! Making us want to go later this year.