Little Chloe's intrepid traveller guide!
¡Hola mi gente!
Ive moved once again!
Am now in cordoba, which is kind of like in the center of argentina. Arrived at like 8am this morning which was NOT GREAT!!
Yesterday i did horseriding . . . all i can say is . . . Ouch . . . .
MY WHOLE BODY ACHES!!! . . . . STILL! Thought i would ty and overcome the whole allergy thing, but that didnt really happen! Nor was it a good idea to wear shorts and a strap top, when your going up mountains abundant with trees and thorns!!!ouch . . .
Got on the bus late yesterday, was actually quite sad to leave! Almost cried!! (again!) All the staff were really nice and i made friends with all of them. I guess its just another chapter tho!
Yesterday caught my coche cama bus - which was heaven! Coche cama means literally bed bus. U can lay like almost completely horizontal. I sat next to this really nice man Rogelio, who was a pilot! Spent most of the evening talking to him, practising my spanish! I bet he was thrilled! We were talking about planes crashing etc . . . was all quite interesting stuff! He was a lovely guy. Kept me entertained for a while!
Now in cordoba, writing this from my hostel. Have to say of all the places ive been so far cordoba is possibly not the best. Its kind of like inbetween BA and Mendoza in terms of what the city is like. Theres really not that much to do tho! Went on a city bus tour today- all in spanish again!!Impressive or what.
Thinking of moving on to Rosario tomorrow coz im bored already!! Its where che guevara was born and is spose to be v.good! only 6hrs away!
Much love to everyone, missing u all . . .
Chloe xxxx
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