What can i say. . . . . . . The last journal entry ever!!
I dont know where to start!
Have got everything out of mexico city possible, and had a wicked last few days. Ive gone on a gondola in the canals, watched grown men flattening each other in pink face masks (wrestling!), seen Frida kahlos famous house and paintings, watched the…
What can i say. . . . . . . The last journal entry ever!!
I dont know where to start!
Have got everything out of mexico city possible, and had a wicked last few days. Ive gone on a gondol…
Well, finally made it to mexico city!! The last stop!!! Got here yesterday after spending a couple of days in Puebla, in a freaky hostel where there was no one else in the dorm except me and a…
Ok, so i finally made it oaxaca on wednesday morning, thank god!! Got the bus to villahermosa on tuesday, which took AGES!! And there was a V.weird fat mexican guy sitting next to me, who deci…
Its me,
Now in tulum, waiting for a bus! Old school style!
Spent the last 2 days here with three of the guys that i met in cancun, eli from israel,and ed and fletch from Englan…
Hello again!
Have now arrived at playa del carmen! And its great!! Wish i came here before!!!
Anyways, spent a couple more days in cancun, met a cool group of people at the hostel and we wen…
Mum Jim and Nina
Darling girl what can we say, doesnt seem two minutes since we dropped you off at Heathrow, Yet in terms of sleepless nights, late night calls to banks, and worrying in general it seems like years! You'll recognise us at the airport, we'll be the ones with the grey hair!!! We're so glad that you did it though, you've exceeded all our expectations, you should be very proud of yourself, as we all are.
Slightly Worried that Keswick Close and the "native people" of Cringleford might not be enough for you, now you've walked the Inca Way!! Cant promise steak as good as Argentina, Sunsets as good as on the Beach in Rio, altitude sickness like Bolivia, nightlife as good as Cancun, or the many hundreds of friends you've made along the way, from all over the world. What we can promise are lots of hugs and kisses from 3 people (2 big and 1 small) who have allmissed you very much!!! Wishing you a great last few hours, make the most of it!
lots and lots of love Mum, Jim andNinaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chloe, have just read Rick and Joys message to you -they have said it all for me. I will really miss reading your journal notes, it would have been awful if ths facility was not available while you were away for such a long time. Love to go to your wedding in Mexico - but I'm not walking up the hill, find me a cable car or a strong young mexican would be even better, Well done our intrepid adventurer, the girl did good. Thanks for the card, I think it must have taken about a month to arrive. See you next week.
Bye for now treasure. Have a good flight. Much love S & C
Rick and Joy
Dear Chloe,
I suspect that this will be the last message from us until we see you in Southwold. Can't remember the exact date of your flight, although I think it is probably any day now.
As the genius that was "Frank" would say.."And now the end is near, and so I face the final curtain....", you've certainly done it "your way" and I think all the better for that. It has been a fascinating journey both geographically and emotionally (and thats only from reading your message board !!!.) let alone to have undertaken and experienced it. Well done Chloe, what you have achived is immensley impressive in so many ways and will positively influence decisions you take about how you live your life over the coming years.
We will miss your messages and quirky descriptions of adventures from around the world but look forward to similar discriptions of student life over a glass of wine in "Browns" (you'll love Browns its so you !!!)
Be proud of what you have achived..Go Girl !!!!!
Chloe,haven't heard from you recently.Regretfully your journals (Blogs, as I think the word is thesedays) will soon be ended, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading them and keeping in touch with all your exciting adventures. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Take care. Much love S & C x x x x
Glad all is still well !! Now...these guy's you've been hanging around the beach with, one of them wouldn't have been Irish by any chance !!!!
Looking forward to all the details (well some of the details anyway) at Southwold, they will sound good over a pint one night down at the Lighthouse !!
Enjoy the rest of your time, stay safe.
Enjoyed you latest message - hope the bus got yo to somewhere nice eventually. Waiting for Mum. Jim and Nina for one for our chinese meals. The weather here is still wonderful, we are all hoping it will keep like this for Southwold. Not long now my treasure before you are home. Looking forward to seeing you. Lots of love S & C xxxx
Hi Chloe - good to hear from you again, it's been some time since your last journal. Enjoy your latest destination, it sounds really great. See you soon. Much love S & C
Mum Jim and Nina
Hi Chloe
I expect your counting down the days now! I know we all are!
Back in January this time seemed so far ahead, cant believe you'll be back home in 17 days time. We know you've had a fantastic time, and you should be so proud of yourself for doing all this mostly alone, (I know we're very proud of you) but at the same time we cant tell you what a relief it will be to know your safe and well and home! I know we'll sleep a lot better!! Enjoy the rest of your travels, looking forward to seeing you on the 23rd.
All our love mum Jim Nina and Tiger-lilly.
Rick, Joy, becky, lottie!
Glad all is well in England.
Havent missed all the football unfortunately. Went to see the england/portugal game, i know, what has gotten into me lately . . . . . .
Life is pretty much the same here in Cancun, beach, clubs. . . . you know how it is.
Speak to u all soon ...
Chloe xxxxx
Hi mum/jim/my little neen!!
Miss u all loads . . . . only 22 more days now tho. It is but a drop in the ocean!
Cant wait to see u,
Love u lots,
Chloe xxx
Hey Christian!
In singapore already hey! Alright for some . . . . . !Ok, i am in cancun, which is still good. Does that mean you gonna come with me on the japan trip!?ha ha!
Speak to u soon my dear!
Chloe xxxx
Hey Chloe!
Just arrived in Singapore today, I will start working on Monday.
Japan is your next destination? Well, just take into account that one week of Japan will cost you as much as one month in South America. So keep saving them Yens!
mum and Jim
Hi Chloe
good to hear from you tonight, just goes to show even celebrities talk to their mums! Anyway darling cant believe its only 4 weeks till we see you, will we still recognise you? enjoy your last few weeks, and "pace yourself on the alcohol front ." Looking forward to having you back with us. lots of love madre et padre
rick and joy
Dear random Chloe, great to hear you are having such a fab time though wondered what a body shot from a lapdancer entails!!! (but maybe you will need to wait to whisper it to us in Southwold) We are really looking forward to seeing you soon and to find out what colour your hair is now. hopefully you have managed to miss all the football (i don't think this is quite what Rick wanted me to write) Are the Mexican's as mad about supporting their team as the English - or do they have better things to do with their time. maybe they are all lapdancing and doing body shots!!! think i'd better go now and look forward to hearing more news from you. lots of love, Joy, Rick, Lottie and Becky.
Thanks for the messages, think you managed to contact everyone. What colour did you dye Jamies hair - will we recognise him, hope he approved. We are still having the kind of weather you are used to, so lets hope it lasts until the end of July and beginning of August. Like Anne and Mark had wondered about the dolphin peeing, easy when you think about it. Have you managed to find a job? Not long now before we see you. Love S & C