Dalmo, good luck in that 35 degree heat, when i was there i was a soggy sweat-pool, 24/7! ...chuck in a green curry for dinner and boom! ol sweaty betty goes on overdrive.
is steve goin to New Zealand for the ski season? i just got back from boarding in france and i need more
and just incase you were wondering, i'm sitting in work watchin the clouds gather outside for a rainy easter weekend, excellent.
Oi Ty, sharkey's the George Michael lookalike!
p.s. Dan Brown, i thought your essay writing days finished with that 80's PC in our house in the 3rd year! ...good stories tho keep em comin
Dally Gaffer (Kelv)
Monego - did you remember to take your clothes? I know how you like your birthday suit in public. Hope you got there ok bud, write back to the den soon.
Dan - How many takes did it take to perform the overhead kick and did you wear your Dally drill top……..you did pack it didn't you? Are you sure this French tv advert thing wasn't just a hidden agenda for some cleverly manipulated shots of you a Shark that will appear on a late night Channel 4 film? Maybe you need an agent…..I'm on my way. Just gotta tell the missus and my 3 week old girl. Shouldn't be an issue.
Steve - Where were you during all these tv moments? Or is it that actually you are the first one to get lost and for the rest of the world tour the boys are burdened with carrying a life size cardboard cut out of you around so as not to arouse suspicion of the fact you have joined a cult on a remote island never to return?
PS - out to wet the Baby's head this Sunday, there's about 30 of us out to watch Utd v Liverpool then Chelsea v Arsenal. If you can't make it can we set up some sort of satellite link? Sweep stake on last goal scorers.
Take it easy boys, I know it must be difficult but just try and relax on those beaches with some beers.
As you can tell Im still buzzing from my first night out here. Its amazing out here and the culture shock is ridiculous!! I didn't realise how attractive I am to Thai women... last night loads of women Ive never met kept offering themselves to me!! Joking, its funny.
Today (my first full day) has been spent chilling and trying to get used to this 35 degreee weather... its hard but you'll be happy to know I am fighting through and in a minute I am going back to the pool to get this tan where it should be!!
Anyway, hope you are all well and now Im out here I'll be posting pics, blogs etc...
Mush love
Monego (Daniel Dalmonego) xx
Julie Curtis
Hi Boys
Hope your all ok and being careful with those lady boys and Thai girls. Has my drunken son arrived yet. Can someone let me know otherwise I'm getting the first flight over and joining you all.
Ty Pereira
Don't make out those Females with you are Lady Boy's...... Great Article Dan you had me laughing in places.
pleased to see you are making money on the Beach......
Who is Sharky!!!!! - sorry you guy's you have to decifer some of the terminology and perhaps on the next blog of pictures you will be so kind of sending a MUG SHOT with names / nicknames used for us that really wan't to follow your progress.
Hope your Family have now contacted you - as Thai folks are very good surrogate parents.... so they tell me.!!!!.
Keep in touch and really glad all is going to PLAN.
Ty Pereira
Matt Brown
Sorry for lack of message I am to jealous to keep writing. Make sure that you take Dalmonego to Nana Plaza as well as Pat Pong! Good work with the footy thing although it has to be said the standard of footballer in Thailand general isn't amazingly high so keep your feet on the ground at the moment!
How long have you got left in Thailand? Get to Phi Phi asap.
Dan Brown
Hello all,
thank you to everyone who's posted messages to us. Just to keep you filled in we're currently in Bangkok. Today Monego arrives out here with us so tonight we will be hitting the sites of Pat Pong market where we venture to find him his first lady boy and show him the culture.
We have just spent a week on the suny island of Koh Samet which was amazing. The accomodation was okay, it was basically four of us in one room with two large beds and a fan. Unfortunately this meant that it got very hot and four sweaty men did not get a lot of sleep unless they drunk a lot of chang beer, bottles of thai samsung whiski and fred's favourite, the buckets of cocktails. It actually worked out cheaper to spend the money on alcohol so we simply passed out the second our heads touched the pillow than to buy a room with aircon. We sat down had a chat about our options and decided this was most economical. Of course this unfortunately resulted in lots of crazy dancing, lots of rndom photo's on our camera's of people we can't remember meeting, and ridiculous headaches in the morning, but if it's cheaper then we are game.
Most of the days at the island we spent chilling on the beach. On the second day me and shark managed to steal a football from a thai restaraunt and that gave us about 20 mins of entertainment and some good photo's before we all collapsed like fat whales on the beach and greenpeace were called in.
On our last day me and shark finally became what we like to consider models/actors/pro-footballers. In short this guy we'd met a few days earlier had said that he was shoing an advert for french tv to advertise certain products for a sport shop and did we wanna go down and play a bit of football, have a few free beers and just have a laugh. We checked our calendars and to our shock we had no plans and thought why not, we've never tried beer or football before, it might be fun!! So we went down had little kick about had few photo's taken. Then bout wo hours later the guy walked down the beach and asked if me and shark wanted tobe in the advert, once again we were free at that time and decided (economically) thee's no way we can go a year without working so yes we are prepared to take time out of our busy scheduale to drink free beer, wear your fancy sport clothes and get paid 25 quid each to run around on a beach playing football for an hour and a half. To be honest it got very hot running round, and doing take after take of this french guy who was the star trying to do these scissor kicks, but when push comes to shove sometimes you have to do these hardships in order to be able to eat. So what if we were dressed up in fancy sports clothes and forced to smile like cheap bits of meat for the camera, so what if we were force fed heineken beer in the sweltering conditions, so what if there were loads of girls on the beech screaming for us, so what if were paid just 25 quid for such talentd acting and spent the rest of the trip signing autographs for admiring fans and heartbroken girls, sometimes you've got to do this to pu food on the table!! Without goig on about it too much Sharky is now the Mel Gibson of Koh Samet and me the Eddie Murphy. Like i said that's just in short, didn't wanna bore you all o go on about it cos it's no big deal, can hardly remember it now and haven't thought about it once. Infact me and shark haven't mentioned it once since it happened, everyone's been paid to act at somepoint right!!!!!
Anyway moving on, everything is fine, you'll be pleased to know that no-one has come to any real harm. Stephen has had a few violnt burns to various parts of his body including his left eye lid but is a warior and keeps battling on. Me, shark and fred had very close encounter with an enormous cockroach but thanks to some brave efforts from shark with some small help from fred and the occasional attempted wack of a magazine from me, we managed to slay the beast - well actually shark and fred caught it in a lunch box and threw it out the room, it then grew wings, turned around a flew back towards the room, i attempted to hit it with a magazine, shark and fred locked me out and i stood their crying lke a baby trying to bat it away (we were all very mainly)!!
Well that's all for now, hope you enjoy and please write to us. Once again are any of my famil out there!! Do you remember me, please write me a message.
Love from all, Dan and the boys
Emily Brown
Hello boys!
Pics look amazing, making me very jealous while I am sat here bored at work. Sharkey you look stunning as always, very upset I didn't get to say goodbye before you jetted off! Dan B I do hope you packed your little blue pills..;) and for gods sake put a top on you'll catch a cold! Dan D you should be on your way now, i'm sorry the melted chocolate wrestling never took place, although i am glad we (or you) establised Abbi looks like watercress!?
Have fun love Emily x
Monego...nearly There!!
Ko Samet looks amazing boys... very jealous!!
Im in Hailsham and its raining and cold. Brilliant. Anyway, I'll speak to you boys on Tuesday afternoon with a few beers...
Monego xx
Jeff And Jan
Alex: seen two photos of you, one you are at the race track with a pint of beer and the other you are asleep. Shape up! Glad to hear its turning into a Tottenham tour of the far east, seen the penalty shoot: sack Robbo! Over to Mum.thanks for the anniversary congrats(prompted by Carley) off to Bournemouth today. Well take of yourselves and keep sending the photos.
Dan Brown
Hello everyone, just a quick message tosay hello and thanks for all you messages. Froggy that is brilliant, good to see your up to your usual tricks.
We've not been up to alot accept chilling out on the beach, playing bit of football and getting burnt, especially Mr Fairbrother, his face is coming off.
We've taken loads more photo's which we will post onto site once get to Bangkok on monday.
Monego will be joining us soon, can't wait to see ya mate.
So long for now keep writing to us (especially my family....have you forgot bout me???))
Adios for now...big up Dally Rovers x x x
Dally Gaffer (Kelv)
Steve, Me, Dyer, Franny and Burton all came to pick you up but alas all we could find was a skip outside your house full of beer bottles. On a lighter note you'll all pleased the Dally Lions have found a goalkeeper replacement. We thought it only fair that Monego should meet his nemesis before he left and what a meeting it was. Luckily the new guy meets the 6ft height minimum we were looking for. Needless to say Monego looks a little awestruck. Anyway, here's a link to some photo's we took of them together up at Blisworth. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=468172&in_page_id=1811&ct=5 Also don't get Monego all confused with bus numbers……Dan, it's the yellow one. Boys, sounds like it's all going well…….do you actually think you'll make it out of Thailand or is that the end of the world tour already? Keep up the good voluntary work!