Afternoon boys, Well it's been a while. I celebrated my 86th birthday the other day. Had a great time in town ending up at UT. Can't believe it's changed so much in there since it used to be a choir house. All is well Dallington-wise, not much has changed except every single player/management member now has 7 kids. All are being groomed for Dallington and have been sent to a strict training camp deep in the Mongolian mountains to learn the ways of the Lion. Feedback I'm getting is that all is going well however there are a couple of deviants up there; Purdy's kids won't touch the ball, they just keep stepping over it. Ceely's kids have all had behavioural problems and keep back chatting. Sam's kids are impeccably behaved and too "nice" and Tom's kids keep running through brick walls. We're doing ok in the league, won 1, drawn 1 and lost 2 now although the losses were simply due to mistakes and only by the odd goal. The win was against top of the league in our last game. This Sunday we're playing St Margarets so this will be the big test really. Will let you know how things go. Anyway boys, sounds like you're still living things up, not sure whether you'll be venturing back to Northampton on your return to Blighty but will have to sort something out at some point if not. Take it easy chaps.
Dan Brown
Part two is up aswell......................part 1 is under Queenstown and part 2 under Aukland!!!!
Dan Brown
The blog is up...well part 1 anyway!!!
There is a quiz/interview to follow shortly!!! Enjoy!!!
Dan Brown
Hola a todos
I apologise for the dealy in blog entry.....we have been in south america about 5 days now....i had to wait to get here to write we´ve had ridiculous jet lag.....had a 40 hour day on Tuesday with no sleep....then we met up with Dalmonego and he has done nothing but make us eat steak and drink red wine so havent really been with it.
The good news is.....after a chat tonight the blog will shortly be on here for your purusal. So Janice, Mrs Sharky and all you others....
espere un patient...the blog will be with you shortly!!!
Mrs Sharky
wheres ya next blog dan??? uve been in the new country at least 12 24hours now so think u need to get typing!!!!!! ive missed them as they kept me entertained in my boring student life!!!!! hope u r all well take care xx love ya alex xx
Mrs Sharky
wheres ya next blog dan??? uve been in the new country at least 12 24hours now so think u need to get typing!!!!!! ive missed them as they kept me entertained in my boring student life!!!!! hope u r all well take care xx love ya alex xx
Dan Brown
Janice...i'm not allowed to write a blog, although i'm bursting with stories until we have finished the country...only 5 more days in NZ so there will be one soon!!! Wait till you hear what Freds been up god you won't want him back!!!!!
Hi Boys, hope you are all ok. Long time no hear - OVER a MONTH since your last blog Dan Brown! I can't believe that you haven't had any more adventures. Love Fred's Mum. X
Dan Archie Brown
You owe me two beers now as i predicted the baby and the sex!!!!!!! All the best mate, really pleased for you both!!!!!
Dyer - massive congratulations to you and Katie. Archie has got footballer written all over it, he'll be a future Dally lion i'm sure!!
All the best over the next few months, and good luck with the footy, miss ya el capitain!!
Hi lads yes we did have an arrival on the 21st of sept 2.38pm, called Archie Charles Dyer weighing in at 7lb11, mum and son are doing fantastic.another young lion in our ranks this only looks good for our take over of the world.
thanks dan much appreciated for you kind words travel safe much love
First a huge congrats to the Dyer family!! A little boy - Archie isnt it?? Great work. A new lil Dallington Lion in the making!! He probably already has more hair then me!!
Im now off on my own lil adventure in Chile across to Argentina to see my family where I'll be 'waiting' for the boys. It'll be hard not waking up next to one of them and I wont have any of them to tuck me at night and kiss me on the forhead as I drift to sleep. But I'm a big boy now.
Ive been trying to load pics o this site buts it takes ages so I have been lazy - dont worry we'll get some more on her asap!!
Anyway peace out friends and family - keep the messages coming. It keeps us going in times of dispair!