Hello again world!!!!
Many apologies to the Ty's, Janices, Bernices, Curtis's, Dalmonego's, Fairbrothers, Parkinsons, Browns, Laura Bettoneys, of course the Dally crew including Kelv's Milly, and Dyer and Burtons unborns and the many others for the amount of time it's been since the last blog but we have been having a crazy time.
First and foremost we all wanna give a massive shout out to Alexander Timothy Gerrard Parkinson (Sharky) who is temporarily missing from the five lost boys, i cannot stress 'temporarily' enough as he will been joining us again once he is fixed in either Australia, New Zealand or South America. For those of you don't know.....Sharky was injured in combat on his birthday during a half moon party after an incredible court session of drinking. He cut his leg that was then infected....5 operations later (that was the count last time we visited him in Bangkok hospital) he has had to go home to England to get it fixed, worse than that he has had to go to Hemel which is almost as bad as getting it done on the pitch at the Emirates for him!!!! On a positive note we've all had an amazing time so far and it's been all the better for Shark being here.....especially the volley he scored for Saigon Athletico......and it is not the same without him here....get well soon brother and get them Samba shoes ready for Argentina and Brazil!!!!
I'd also like to make a massive shout out to to all the boys who came out to join the five lost boys for a few weeks and celebrate the religious and cultural festival that is the 'fool moon party' in Koh Phangan. Darin, Ben, Al, Tom, Aaron, Paul and Riggy turned the five lost boys into 'twelve drunk louts" and we had the time of our travelling. For two weeks we partied all night including the full moon party in illuminous paints (picture on the blog), the Pool Party and the Half Moon Party for Sharks birthday, and spent all day playing football, frisbee and having heart to hearts bout the dreaded future and going home (wifes and kids lurking round the corner aaaarghhh!!!)!!! We had such a good time with the much so that after Darin, Ben, Tom and Al went home, Riggy, Paul and Aaron stayed with us for another couple of weeks in which we did Bangkok and then down to the Phi Phi islands for more partying and many a kareoke to anthems such as 'Summer Jam'...'This is the girl'.....'99 Problems' among many more ballards that i'm too proud to admit to but you know what i'm talking about boys....remember the irish bar!!??!!! I know you do!!! It's been emotional and we miss you boys loads!!!!
Right down to the nitty gritty!!! We have now been away for approximately 3 and a half months which i'm sure you'll agree is a substantial time and can imagine that instances have occured, things have been lost, experiences have happended bith good and bad, regrets and great memories have a very thin line!!! Well we are now ready to share with you all some of our experiences and inner thoughts of our travels so far. Each of the five lost boys were interviewed regarding whats gone on so far....including a special limited addition hospital side interview with the Shark...we actually had to dealy his flight to get the final few questions in!!! Please remember that each of these questions are answered by each of the five lost boys, however, the answers are in a different order everytime so that no-one can know who the answers relate to e.g. Dalmonego may have his answer first on question number 1, however could be third on question number 2....that is not gonna actually be the case or maybe it you see what i'm getting at...we never will...get over it yeah!!!
Q1: What items have you lost?
1. Towell, wallet, 180 quid, shorts, 1 pair of flip flops, consciousness, phone, 2 condoms.
2. Debit card, 2 wallets, camaera, 3 pairs of flip flops.
3. 9 Pairs flip flops, phone, camera, shirt, 2 t-shirts, watch, tooth, white hipppy top.
4. Temper in Chiang Mai and Kho Phangan (headbutting firends and trees), his heart in Saigon, 450,000 Dong on breakfasts with barmaids in Saigon.
5. 15 pairs of flip flops, phone, his balance and then consequently his leg, 1 t-shirt, ability to pass urine without girlfriend present.
2. What accidents/injuries have you had?
1.Unexplained scars to head in Vangvien, burns on body from full moon party, bruised metartarsal, motorbike crash and boat crash.
2. Fell down stairs, 2 weeks bruised leg, chipped tooth, boat crash, followed by gay guy into toilet who then kissed his shoulder, cuts from coral when snorkling.
3.Motorbike accident with passenger (Paul) mugged on beach, boat crash, fell down cliff into waterfall, arse cut on coral when swimming drunk!!
4. Leg, half of toe came off in motorbike crash, coral cuts from snorkleing.
5. 1 mile an hour motorbike crash....soild himslef twice, burnt eyelids, cuts from coral, rope swing accident (survere bruising)...bruises from fight with a tree.
3. Your top 3 scariest moments in order?
1. Close encounter with suspicious looking female, Dan Brown coming onto me, awoken by the mugger who then kicked me in the head.
2.Boat crash, wolfboy chasing me with his pack of wolves/dogs, the strom in Hoi an.
3. Bloke kissing my shoulder, Boat Crash, Spider the size of my head crawling onto my shoulder.
4.Fred nearly drowning falling off raft, Boat Crash, 4 opperations in 4 days.
5. Almost getting with a Ferrang.
4. Funniest moment?
1. Alan Partridge episode where monkey is thrown into the sea and hits rock.
2.Fred falling off the raft and nearly drowning.
3. Fred falling off the raft in Chiang Mai.
4. Shark falling out of tube drunk and unsuccesfully chasing the tube diwn the river for 100 metres falling over every rock.
5. Menago attacking Fred with 3-horn soeach relating to Spurs only winning Carling Cup.
5. Most embarrasing moment?
1. Falling down stairs in Don Det when trying to make subtle escape from a groupl of 12/15 people/ doing naked zipline infront of 35/40 people.
2.Stucki in the Cu Chi tunnel with my paints down.
3. Having to ask for spare key to the hotel room at 6am wearing nothing but a borat mankini.
4. Nearly soiling self doing football advert in Samaet.
5. Trying to chat up a deaf Thai girl whilst playing connect 4 against her.
6. Your favourite place?
4. Saigon.
7. Least favourite place?
1. Don Det
3. Vientiene
4. Cambodia
5. Anywhere but South East Asia
8. Destinations you have been lost?
1. Hospital in Bangkok and Ha noi.
2. Just above Bangkok, Austin Powers shag pad (somewhere in Bngkok)
3. Chiang Mai.
4. Dalat and Koh Phangan.
5. Don Det , Nha Trang and Koh Phangan.
9. Biggest/ any regret?
1. Half moon party.
2. Not coming to South East Asia earlier.
3. Not dressing up as a women enough.
4. Getting stalked!!!!
5. Not changing flights so could stay in Vietnam longer.
10. Your top 3 expenditures in order?
1. Alcohol - food - accomodation
2. Alcohol - food - accomodation
3. Alcohol - hospital - flip flops
4. Alcohol - breakfast in Saigon - accomodation
5. Alcohol - food - accomodation
12. Favourite quote of the holiday?
1. Get to the chopper!!!
2. Fresh Chillie??????
3. I cannot be 100 percent sure that she was a women!!!
4. Get to the chopper / fresh chillies?????
5. xin chau i love you long time.
13. Your best night out?
1. Full Moon party.
2. Full moon party.
3. Cross dressing pool party.
4. Austin Powers themed room night.
5. Full Moon.
14. Most random experience?
1. Having a smoke when the owner of the bar who had just served us walked passed our table in his tight pants and jumped from two floors up, off the side of the restaraunt into the river below!!
2. Bumping into Will the Yido.
3.Coming out of the hotel in Cambodia to see a bloke chucking rocks at everyone....and then finally hitting a random girl knocking off her motorbike, she then ran off and he smashed up her bike with as brick (we were a bit scared)!!!
4. Walking into a crocodile farm trying to find the way out of the hotel.
5. Forest going up rather than down.
15. Your favourite beer?
1. Beer lao
2. Chang
3. Chang
4.Beer Lao
5. Tennants or anything Scottish related.
Right you'll be pleased to know that's the end of the questions!!! That took forever to do and to remeber to do the right/wrong order!!! I'm now going to join the others on our beautiful beach in Malayisa. They'll be new photo's added once we get to KL and it's cheap!! Ty i hope you liked the full moon dedication to you!!!
Take care all.....and please leave us some messages....much love....the boys
p.s. get well Shark
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