Mutchilba, Queensland Jul 22, 2013 Bower Bird nest in the bush at the farm - Lisa thinks that it has been abandoned for a while now - the male bower bird collects all these items to attract a female - pity our males don't do this!
Mutchilba, Queensland Jul 22, 2013 Giving the steers hay with molasses on it - they are pretty happy with it.
Mutchilba, Queensland Jul 22, 2013 Lisa doing the driving while I take the photos - she can handle a 4 wheel drive track pretty well - even had to make her own road in some spots - talk about going bush!!
Mutchilba, Queensland Jul 22, 2013 Time to 4 wheel drive around the farm and see the steers - they have 1100 acres to look after!! Lisa drove and John and Ed rode in the back.