Just in case you were wondering by the way, that couple are "now stronger than ever" a mere two days after he abandoned her in a pub to go off with two Thai girls.
Reluctantly abandoning that drama we headed on board a boat for the mainland and a bus to Krabi on the other side of Thailand. Bit of a long journey and the company that arranged it all seemed to conspire to make us miss our connection to Krabiand it looked a bit grim for a moment, with the rain hammering down and only us two huddled under shelter not understanding a word anyone was saying. But it all turned out fine and we got on a public bus that stopped a hundred times but got us there - and at least we got a seat.
Krabi is a functional kind of place with most people apparently using it toget tothe islands on this die of the country. Unfortunately for us this is the rainy season on this side of the country and we turned up just hoping to get lucky as sometimes in the rainy season you can get a run of nice days. Didn't happen though. It was grim when we arrived and the next day didn't look any better, we just looked around the town and booked ourselves a tour of the islands the next day with the promise of snorkelling.
That night we ate at the local night market where the food is unbeliveably cheap, but good quality and cooked right in front of you. It's good fun as the market is lively and even in the bad weather there were plenty of people out there sheltering from he downpours under woefully inadequate umberellas. Perhaps unsprisingly our snorkelling trip didn't go ahead due to bad weather, but as it cleared uparound tenish we headed out of town to a big temple and caves and other religious type stuff.
The main Buddhist temple was a massive 1247 steps up a big hill. We got 646 steps up (according to a signpost - we didn't count) before Rhiannon started clutching her left arm and seeing white spots; and maybe even the beckoning arm of St Peter. I'd like to say that I could have carried on but I was feeling exhausted aswell so we stopped for a bit. Good thing too, as within a minute the thunderstorms hit and had to take shelter in some smelly old toilets for half an hour before deciding that it wasn't going to stop and making a slippery run for it back down the steps.
Not a great deal else happened in Krabi, feeling defeated by the weather and not fancying days of doing nothing except waiting for the rain to stop, we booked our minibus to Malaysia (Penang) for the next day and watched Apollo 13 on telly!
So a damp squib of an ending, (although a good film), to Thailand where we both felt that perhaps we had missed out on a few things, although it was tough to pin down anything specific that we would have done differently; just a feeling really. Treking in Chiang Rai and relaxing in Koh PhaNgan were definately the best bits of the three or so weeks.
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