Well I've stolen a ladder from one of the other bunk beds now so it's all good! Although it's a really uncomfortable ladder! It's a 10bed dorm, but a small room so it doesn't actually feel like there's that many people in there!
Nanny & Grandad
Glad you arrived safely, enjoy New York and take care- have a great trip
Nanny and Grandad xx
Crazy Sair
Bunk bed with no ladder? LOL!!! That's pretty special! How big is the first dorm you are staying in?
Just looked at the weather in NY, pretty chilly! Bit like here really.
I'll be on this every morning at work, hahaha!
Fi Fi Le Peu
Haha Sair if I see Zac of course I'll give him your number...I'm sure he'll call if he gets a chance!
Auntie Philippa
Hope you had a great trip, thinking of you. have a fantastic time. Missing you already. Take care.
Love Auntie Philippa
Crazy Sair
Brotherly love there!!!
Hope you got to NY ok. When you are in LA, if you see Zac's house give him my number... lol
Glad you're going! Free car!
Hi Fiona
Have a great time on enjoy your travels. Take care.