Haha thanks for that mission Shelly - gives me something to look out for in each place! x
Right Im making you a mission (you started it), now you have found shelly cafe in the US and Shelly beach road in NZ Im making it your mission to find at least one place in each country you visit that has shelly in the name haha! good luck xxx
Fi Fi Le Peu
yeah yeah I know you've already been here done that, but hey, I'm doing it now and you're at work, so HA to you!
Donna E
NZ rocks! have fun. (Been there, done that!)
Nanny & Grandad
Good photos - have a good flight and enjoy New Zealand.
Nanny & Grandad
Auntie Philippa
Looks like you are having a great time. have a safe flight to New Zealand. Take care.
Love Auntie Philippa
Yes father, my phone is wi fi enabled! i have to choose before connecting whether i use wi fi or not, and i choose that! do not panic xxx
Are you sure your phone is wi-fi enabled? because if not mobile internet access abroad (if it works) is very expensive. Have a good flight to NZ x
Fi Fi Le Peu
No dad it's fine, the hostel has free wi-fi so I'm using that when I'm on Facebook on my phone xxx
Carefull using your phone for posting on facebook. It will probably cost a fortune. Dad x
Fi Fi Le Peu
Thanks Dad! I only hit a couple...the guy there offered to video it but then you would have all heard the bum notes, so photos look better!